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Have a happy feng shui holiday

November 23, 2012

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by DeAnna Radaj —  Getting tired of the same old red and green decorations? Would you like to add more meaning to some of your holiday rituals? How about adding some feng shui principles to your holiday gift giving and decorations? Feng shui is the ancient science of placement and living in harmony and balance […]

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Holding higher ground

November 21, 2012

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by John English —  Let’s face it — there are a lot of things happening in our world today, and for those of us who have made the decision to live a spiritual life, this presents certain challenges. The massive spiritual awakening that was foretold by prophets from several cultures and across the ages appears […]

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Start where you are

November 2, 2012

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by Andrea Hess —  We often use our past as a frame of reference. We may feel like we’ve lost something we once had — a fortune, a career, even our sense of well-being. We wish we could get back to being less stressed, having more financial freedom or a healthier body. So we try […]

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How to align with your higher Self and purpose

October 26, 2012

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by Leslee J. Klinsky —  Many people today are running blindly, haphazardly seeking their elusive higher Self and purpose with frustration levels that border on insanity. They are disconnected from life, people or their callings, but do not know what to do about the disconnection. Feeling lost and under the gun, they change directions repeatedly, […]

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Being true to yourself

October 11, 2012

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by Ada Porat —  Truth has a way of expressing itself, even when we deny it. While we may try to respond the way we think others expect us to, the body never lies. Our tone of voice, body language or facial expressions give us away. When you ask people, “How are you?” you often […]

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Yes, peace is within, but where?

October 1, 2012

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by Pragya Pradhan —  Since time immemorial wise men have talked of a well-hidden secret, a sleeping beauty. It was known by many names — serpent power, which also appears on Athena’s shield, Holy Ghost in the West and kundalini in the East. Unbelievably, today that secret has been revealed. Thus, living as you are, […]

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The symphony of silence

September 29, 2012

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by Blanche Williams —  Many fear the sound of silence because of a perceived sense of judgment, isolation or lack of stimulation. On the contrary, silence can be a golden opportunity for subtle growth, uncluttered reflection and insightful revelation. Our lives represent the most delicate instruments in our divine symphony. Its mastery requires an uncommon […]

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Uncovering the myths of massage therapy

September 28, 2012

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by Brian Hampson —  Massage has enormous potential to do a body good, if you are in the right hands. But it is essential to understand the facts and fiction regarding a good massage. A massage should be relaxing, comforting or rejuvenating to the body and mind. But with recent reports of abuse and an […]

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Meditation lowers heart rate and blood pressure

September 27, 2012

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by Sarah McLean —  About 10 million Americans say they practice meditation daily. Like taking time daily to brush their teeth, those who meditate usually practice 10 to 30 minutes of silence each day, which gives them a break from the constant bombardment of information everyone faces. Whether practiced on its own, or following yoga […]

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Developing power and healing through shamanic journeying

September 20, 2012

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by Josephine M. Joseph —  Shamanic journeying is an ancient art used by indigenous peoples for centuries. Shamans used it as a tool to gain access to other dimensions for the purpose of healing and receiving guidance. Journeying has been popularized these last few years, as awareness has grown with the understanding that dimensional reality […]

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Ed Begley, Jr.: The greenest man in Hollywood

September 10, 2012

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by Arielle Ford —  From the moment he attended his first Earth Day event in 1970, actor Ed Begley, Jr., has worked tirelessly to protect the environment and spread the word about how to live a green life. Driving his electric car to the Academy Awards and pedaling his bike to TV and film sets […]

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Calcite: the wish stone

September 6, 2012

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by Karyn Diane Kish —  The universe becomes a magical place when you think how everything seems specifically designed for a motive and function. Crystals, such as calcite, have been used for centuries for healing, protection, decoration and adornment. Calcite crystals are known as energy amplifiers and have long been regarded as magical crystals that […]

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Drumming, community and unity

September 1, 2012

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by Josephine M. Joseph —  Drums and sound instruments mimic nature and help connect us to the universal mother, our earth. Their sounds can elevate our vibration into transformational or spontaneous healing. Drumming is also a powerful tool to access trance states and connect with higher energies. Sitting in circles with our drums and other […]

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