by Irene Conlan — Weight loss is a doozy of a challenge. In my years of therapy practice, I have come to believe it is the single most complex issue I deal with because it has so many components, appearing on a number of levels. It certainly affects us physically; that is a given. But […]
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Meditation goes mainstream
August 21, 2012
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by Sarah McLean — Meditation is a buzzword these days. Some people cannot live without it, but others think it is too difficult or too New Age. What exactly is involved and why would anyone want to do it? In our daily lives, it’s easy to become overstimulated — visually, mentally, emotionally and physically. Not […]
Eye-catching therapy: EMDR goes mainstream
August 19, 2012
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by Kayla Gayle, Ph.D. — It had been almost six months since the accident, and Elizabeth found herself getting worse. She had been unable to stop the obsessive thoughts since that fateful day the truck slammed into her car. She was still hearing the sound of screeching tires and shattering glass from the accident. As […]
How cancer works
August 17, 2012
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by Nina Anderson — Most people think that cancer is evil, but basically it is a dysfunctional cells that have been misguided into not dying. The T cells in the body control these cancer cells. T cells convert nitrogen into nitric acid, which dissolves cancer cells, but normal cells are not affected because they are […]
Quantum biofeedback and energetic healing
August 17, 2012
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by Jolin Brandes — You may have experienced the energy-balancing capabilities of the quantum biofeedback, SCIO. This dynamic program has exponentially expanded to identify and clear 55 thousand more frequencies to address stress-related problems and assist your body/mind/spirit to return to health and well-being. For those of you who have not heard about the quantum […]
Do you know how you feel?
August 16, 2012
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by Stacey Badger — Many of us do not know how to feel anymore. Our bodies hold our emotions and have the ability to tell us what is going on inside, yet so many of us have shut down. As a result, we no longer can sense the messages our bodies are trying to communicate […]
Foods and therapies can heal
August 16, 2012
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by Reuel Ari — A growing awareness about healthy living is taking hold across the country. The evidence is clear, from the many practitioners who are teaching a healthier way of living, to the presence of new vegan/vegetarian restaurants — even 100-percent raw/living foods café. We are reawakening to a wave of consciousness that is […]
Sleep for weight loss, good health and a long life
August 16, 2012
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by Paula Owens — Restful sleep is a must for health, vitality, longevity and fat loss. Researchers have found that sleeping as few as four hours a night interferes with your ability to secrete and regulate hormones, which, in turn, promotes aging, increases appetite and risk of diabetes, and adds inches to your waistline. Lack […]
Three things you may not know about heart health
August 13, 2012
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by Paula Owens — What causes heart disease? A healthy heart is the foundation of your health, vitality, physical ability and longevity. There are many risk factors to be aware of that you can control, such as smoking, lack of exercise, low vitamin D levels, obesity, type II diabetes, stress and poor diet. Food items […]
Peace is within
August 12, 2012
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by Ada Porat — In a world that spews forth activity and demands attention 24/7, it is hardly surprising that stress is the biggest health challenge facing people today. Millions are looking for ways to counter the relentless onslaught of technology on their sense of well-being. Ironically, the solution to peace lies within, not in […]
Why is deep breathing so important?
August 11, 2012
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by Sheila Eastman — We all breathe every second of every day and think nothing of it. If you watch a baby breathe, you will see the stomach expand on the inhale, like a balloon blowing up, and inflate on the exhale. However, if you put your hand on your chest and stomach right now, […]
The constructive use of fear
August 10, 2012
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by John English — Fear is a fascinating phenomenon. When we lived in different ways and times, fear was important for us to stay alive. It was the energy that triggered the survival instinct. Over time, the ego, or small self, got hold of this survival instinct, ran amok with it, and turned it into […]
Probiotics boost wellness
August 9, 2012
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by Dr. Shana Spector Deneen — Most Americans have taken oral antibiotics at least once in their lives. Many of us have been on several rounds of antibiotic therapy for chronic ear infections, recurring strep throat, unremitting sinusitis, and various other skin, lung and gastrointestinal (GI) infections. In addition to eradicating pathogenic bacteria, antibiotics deplete […]
August 23, 2012
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