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Well-being and your bite

August 7, 2012

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by Dr. Nicholas Meyer —  When your “bite” isn’t right, a whole cascade of physical maladies can result that might even put you on the medical merry-go-round. You go from doctor to doctor searching for relief of your distress. What distress, you might ask? Well, there are at least 50 recognized symptoms; the more common […]

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Longevity, metabolic syndrome, diabetes and you

August 7, 2012

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by Dr. Thomas Alexander —  One of the buzzwords in holistic medicine today is anti-aging, which I prefer to call aging gracefully without loss of body function. Often ignored is a syndrome called metabolic syndrome or insulin resistance, which is one of the most common causes of aging today. The characteristics listed below define this […]

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Are your hormones out of whack?

August 6, 2012

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by Dr. Paul Stallone —  Many of us have heard or used the expression “Your hormones are out of whack.” Whether the reference was made about a spouse, friend, co-worker or even ourselves, we may wonder how much validity this slang-phrased statement truly carries. Quite a bit, actually. Hormones are powerful chemical messengers produced by […]

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Don’t worry, be happy

August 3, 2012

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by Irene Conlan —  Many of us are into positive thinking these days. We repeatedly hear statements like: “We are what we think about,” “What the mind can conceive and believe, you can achieve,” “To change your life, change your thinking,” “Thoughts are things and create your reality,” and “If you want to know what […]

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“Whole”istic medicine — Jill’s story

August 1, 2012

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by Dr. Thomas Alexander —  It’s almost midnight. Jill tosses around in bed unable to fall asleep. The events of the last two years flash through her mind as she thinks about her doctor’s appointment in the morning. She’s not sure exactly when it all happened. She remembers what was probably the initial trauma in […]

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Before you buy shoes, think again

July 29, 2012

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by Peg Mitchel —  How many pairs of shoes have you bought because you hoped this or that pair might relieve your foot pain or provide all-day comfort? How many pairs of shoes never lived up to your expectations and now sit in the back of your closet? Many of us have experienced varying degrees […]

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Be “hear” now meditation

July 29, 2012

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by Khayriyyah Savannah —  The clock is ticking loudly on the wall as a bird’s persistent song, car doors slamming and voices of children at the bus stop take turns competing for your attention. You hear a light tapping on the glass door and, as you focus on its rhythm, you hear the buzzing of […]

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Herbal healing made easy

July 29, 2012

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by Kathleen Gould —  More and more, people are turning to whole-plant herbal remedies as preventative healthcare and for treating specific health problems. We are going “back to our roots” as we relearn the time-honored remedies our ancestors used. The really wonderful thing is that once we start learning, we find that herbal healing is […]

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Energy healing for the heart

July 19, 2012

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by Khayriyyah Savannah —  When the heart needs healing, love and joy are the best medicine. Who can dispute the loving touch of a mother’s hand as the original healing modality? What brings us back to wholeness in body, mind and spirit is that which heals the heart. Beyond high cholesterol and blood pressure levels, […]

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Awakening the chakras

July 18, 2012

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by Davara ThunderBeat —  The history of the chakras can be traced back to 2,500 B.C. and earlier; yogis have used the chakra system for thousands of years as an integral part of holistic healing. The ancient Egyptians, Chinese, Greeks, Romans, Mayans, Hindus and aborigines used the chakra system as an integrated part of their […]

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Tips for surviving and even thriving this holiday

July 17, 2012

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by Nathalie Ekobo —  You have probably experienced holiday stress. You know what it looks like. Think back to last year. What did you and your family enjoy most? The least? Remember how you felt the day after Thanksgiving, December 26th or January 2nd? How would you like to feel after the holidays this year? […]

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A radical idea about stress reduction

July 17, 2012

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by Irene Conlan —  Is it not interesting that we call those cultures who did not participate in the industrial revolution, the space age, the information age and other so-called advances in civilization — primitive? They hunt and gather food, prepare it, and spend their free time lounging in the sun and playing with their […]

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Rhythmic connected breathing technique for meditation

July 14, 2012

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by Christina Drozda —  Rhythmic connected breathing is a five-minute technique that can be activated in the privacy of your home, office, or any place you feel you can relax without being disturbed. You may either sit or lie down, making sure you are comfortable and ready to receive. You may want to light candles, […]

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