Multiple studies indicate that a lack of sunshine and its free gift of vitamin D leave us prone to colds and flu.
by Brenda Haas-Krieger —
Winter is the season of colds and flu. At this time of year, we tend not to partake of the sun’s rays as often as we do in warmer months, which means that our bodies do not create as much vitamin D3, an incredible antiviral agent.
Multiple studies indicate that a lack of sunshine and its free gift of vitamin D leave us prone to colds and flu. The importance of vitamin D on the regulation of cells of the immune system has gained increased scientific appreciation over the past decade, but most of us instinctively want to feel the sun on our skin.
Ancient European tuberculosis clinics used to be located on mountain tops and had solariums where patients could get direct daily exposure to the sun, no matter how cold the outside temperature.
The “hygiene” movement began in the 1800s. In the winter, hygienists would sit nude in front of their windows to absorb the sun’s rays for optimal health. In those days, houses were farther apart, thus guaranteeing more privacy for the dwellers. The hygienist also would pick watercress and other items that contained vitamin C. A version of this group, the International Natural Hygiene Society, still exists today.
In modern times, we have the option of using prescription-grade vitamin D3 if we live a more indoor lifestyle. Also, we have natural, unrefined coconut oil, a superb antiviral. Several teaspoons daily can ward off the flu.
But if all else fails, we have healing light frequencies from the machine Dr. Royal Rife developed. Rife discovered how to use light to transmit just the right frequency to combat viruses, bacteria and even cancer. People who succumb to the flu or a cold find that about three sessions will stop it in its tracks. For the stomach flu, there are herbs that can stop diarrhea and nausea.
You too can be well — no matter who sneezes on your desk.
Brenda Haas-Krieger has a master’s in environmental health from the University of Cincinnati, College of Medicine. She has worked with Rife frequencies since 1999. 480-314-0065.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 29, Number 6, Dec 2010/Jan 2011.
February 25, 2012
Colds, Flu, Rife and light frequencies