Based on this new study, which confirms earlier fluoride and cancer studies by the National Toxicology Program, nearly 7,000 scientists at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (a large majority) signed a petition that was sent to Congress, asking for a moratorium on all water fluoridation in the United States.
by Dr. Larry Wilson —
A landmark study by Dr. Elise Bassin at the Harvard University School of Dental Medicine showed that boys who drink fluoridated water have a seven-fold increase in osteosarcoma, an often fatal bone cancer.
Based on this new study, which confirms earlier fluoride and cancer studies by the National Toxicology Program, nearly 7,000 scientists at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (a large majority) signed a petition that was sent to Congress, asking for a moratorium on all water fluoridation in the United States.
“We ask that the moratorium take place immediately until a full hearing can take place in Congress on the wisdom of this practice. The last such hearing took place in 1978.”1 “Our request is based on the overall weight of the evidence supporting the classification of fluoride as a human carcinogen.”2
“It is simply unconscionable that federally funded work was hidden for four years while millions of young boys continued to be exposed to increased risk of this disease [bone cancer], whose best outcome involves amputation. We believe another area of Congressional investigation is: Who knew about this work and what statutes were violated by keeping those results hidden for four years?”1
It appears that fluoride is a “protected poison.” “The eyes of the nation are on the federal science establishment because of a host of scientific integrity issues.”2
“Another reason for a Congressional review of fluoridation is the recent work of Dr. Richard Maas of the Environmental Quality Institute, University of North Carolina-Asheville, which shows that the use of … silicofluoride fluoridating agents with excess ammonia increases lead concentrations in public water supplies.”1
Of particular importance is that two prominent dental researchers recently changed their opinion of water fluoridation. Dr. John Colquhoun was the Principal Dental Officer of Aukland, New Zealand, and a prominent fluoridation proponent. He changed his mind in 1997 after discovering that fluoride benefit claims were greatly exaggerated, based on large worldwide studies.3
Dr. Hardy Limeback was head of Preventive Dentistry, University of Toronto. He publicly announced his change of views in 2000 and apologized to the Canadian people for his outspoken pro-fluoride views that he now knows were harmful to the people of Canada.4
- Coalition of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Unions, Letter to U.S. Congress on Fluoride Regulation, Aug. 5, 2005. www.nteu280.org.
- Coalition of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Unions, Aug. 5, 2005. www.nteu280.org.
- Colquhoun, J., Why I Changed My Mind About Water Fluoridation, J. Perspectives in Biol. and Medicine 41:1-16(1997).
- Limeback, H., Letter, April 2000, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto.
Dr. Lawrence Wilson has a medical degree and has been in the health field for 26 years. www.drlwilson.com or 928-445-7690.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 25, Number 1, February/March 2006.
April 24, 2013
Cancer, Chemical and Toxic Exposure, Environment, Health, Health Concerns, Vitamins, Minerals and Supplements