Hints for a long, healthy life

Eating healthy and exercising can make a big difference in the quality and length of our lives.

Eating healthy and exercising can make a big difference in the quality and length of our lives.

 by Dr. Peter Bennett and Dr. Stephen Barrie — 

Eating healthy and exercising can make a big difference in the quality and length of our lives. If you have a local farmers’ market, visit it. Here you will find fresh, organic and healthy food that tastes better. The following are things that can also make a difference in your life.

• Eat well — Always eat breakfast. Chew food thoroughly so you can appreciate the flavor and be more satisfied. Do not read while you chew. When you eat, sit down at the table and just eat.

• Limit refined and processed foods — These foods have been stripped of many of their nutrients. Eat foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables and legumes. The soluble fiber in them removes toxins, and the antioxidants boost immunity and fight disease.

• Avoid sodas — Soft drinks are the leading source of sugar in most people’s diets. The average 12-ounce can of soda contains nine teaspoons of sugar. Too much sugar can lead to diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure and heart disease.

• Avoid common snack foods like chips — Snack foods (the number one food bought in America) are usually high in salt and sugar, and low in nutrients.

• Drink up to five glasses of wine a week — Wine in moderation is good for you, but over-consumption of beer, wine or other alcohol can cause dehydration and lead to chronic illnesses.


Dr. Peter Bennett and Dr. Stephen Barrie are graduates of Bastyr University and are the authors of Energize Your Life: A Three-Week Plan to Change the Way You Look, Feel and Live.

Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 25, Number 1, February/March 2006.

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