How easy it is to isolate groups of individuals into hoods and continue the belief systems of separatism, while at the same time declaring all people to be equal.
by Sherry Anshara —
Some short words for “hood” in the thesaurus include: cover, covering, top and lid. Yet the word “hood” holds far more description and depth than any of these synonyms. The meaning of “hood” could actually be understood as to bare the soul and the spirit, which can be witnessed by the end results of some not-so-productive activities around the word.
Historically, “hood” comes from the Middle English, from the Old English “hōd” and is related to the Old High German “huot” for head covering and “huota” for guard. Its first known use can be traced back prior to the 12th century. Perhaps it is not the origin of the word we should focus on, but instead what it has come to mean throughout its use in language and history.
Many groups have been isolated in or by hoods due to ethnic and cultural reasons or differences in appearance, dress or even the foods they eat. How easy it is to isolate groups of individuals into hoods and continue the belief systems of separatism, while at the same time declaring all people to be equal. True equality would never confine different groups within or under separate hoods.
Does a group take on the persona of a particular hood, or keep another group locked in a hood in order to validate a lack of connection? If either of these concepts is true, it will be extremely challenging to unify communities, accept others’ differences and change the dynamics of relationships in the real world.
Could it be that the issue is not the programming of “better than” versus “less than” and the “haves” versus the “have-nots,” but rather it is the ramifications of the culture and the meaning of a hood? Could it be that we have been hoodwinked by differences, instead of seeing the connections we all share as humans living on this planet? Let us for a minute personalize (but do not take it personally) the meaning of a hood.
Since the 12th century, various expressions for hoods have been used to keep individuals and groups disconnected and confined in their own neighborhoods or living areas. Consider the expressions: ghetto, slums, other side of the tracks and even skid row. Such terms serve to perpetuate a disconnection from the rest of society, and the cultural and ethnic differences become the excuses for partitioning them.
Throughout history, many groups have been separated and segregated into hoods. Native Americans, Irish, Jews, Japanese, Asians, Arabs, African-Americans and Caucasians are among those who have been singled out. Such segregation and exclusion were not only attributed to the skin color of the group, but were also based on other perceived differences fueled by very limited belief systems.
Nearly everyone in the world has similar dreams of having a family who loves them, a decent job to support themselves and their family, a community of acceptance and a life to be fulfilled. These dreams are hardly exclusive to one group. Everyone at least deserves the opportunity to pursue these dreams. With hoods in the picture, however, little fulfillment can occur.
In slang terms, “hood” has come to mean a specific area, as in a neighborhood. Many different cultures and ethnicities have been segregated into hoods, such as the Native Americans, Irish, Jewish, Asians and African-Americans. This begs the question as to whether those who are segregated into hoods succumb to the self-fulfilling prophecies about where they live and how they are perceived.
What does it mean to be one of the “boys in the hood?” It can vary. Robin Hood stole from the rich to give to the poor. The Ku Klux Klan wore their infamous white hoods; the Crusaders used hoods of iron. Today, we tend to think of the boys in the hood as tattooed, violent gang members. So what has all of this segregation of neighborhoods and ethnicities accomplished? Sadly, much of it has resulted in conflict and killing.
Are you beginning to see where I am going with this picture of hoods? The belief systems around hoods only further promulgate blindness, separation, judgment, conflict and death, and prevent fulfillment and creativity. Are they not predicated on the judgment of others who embrace the system that these are the less thans and have-nots who are undeserving of society’s respect?
Then there are the invisible blind hoods, where a blind eye or a hoodwinked eye pretends that child abuse, animal abuse, elder abuse and abuse in general do not exist. These are the very hoods a great number of people wear in the belief that if they are not talked about, they do not exist. What are the ramifications of that? An invisible, blind hood can do great harm because it is covered up and ignored. This hood allows the abuser to abuse and the abused to feel helpless, with no way out. The fact is, if the hood covers up the truth, separation, apartheid and division will not go away.
As you can “see” there are many descriptions of the word hood, but at the core or root of the word, all essentially have the same outcomes. The hood can be an excuse to act in certain ways that are simply not life-affirming or supportive. How many creative ideas have been lost because of the injustices that blind hoods perpetuate? No one will know how many unless we abolish these limited belief systems of disconnection.
Let us illuminate and eliminate all the hoods. Stop being hoodwinked by erroneous disconnected belief systems. View everyone as a contributor to life on this great blue marble, Earth. Let us get together and contribute to our collective society by supporting each other. Let us get out from under the hoods to see more clearly that we are all unique, yet all connected. We are here, and we all have something to contribute to life — no matter our color, ethnicity or geographical location.
This is not about being a Pollyanna. It is about the evolution of consciousness for all living things and the connection it brings to all of us. Take off the hoods — imaginary, invisible or tangible. Connect through the heart, not the belief system in your head. You may surprise yourself and others and start to change the world.
Sherry Anshara is a medical intuitive, author, founder of the QuantumPathic Center of Consciousness, creator of the QuantumPathic® Energy Method and founder/president of the Blended Healthcare Consortium in Scottsdale, Ariz. 480-609-0874, www.quantumpathic.com or [email protected].
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 32, Number 5, October/November 2013.
December 2, 2013
Communication, October/November 2013 Issue, Philosophical, Relationships, Spiritual