The direct cause of cancer is an out-of-place reproductive cell (ectopic germ cell) that changes into an ectopic trophoblast (out-of-place placenta cell).
by Julia Busch —
“Many clinicians have the mistaken belief that cancer is complex — a number of different diseases, each having its own cause,” states Dr. William D. Kelley, author of One Answer to Cancer and creator of Nutritional Metabolic Medicine. “Nothing could be further from the truth.”
The direct cause of cancer is an out-of-place reproductive cell (ectopic germ cell) that changes into an ectopic trophoblast (out-of-place placenta cell). This means that cancer is a “baby” growing outside of the uterus anywhere in the body of a man or a woman.
This concept is not new. Embryologist Dr. John Beard, a professor at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, made the discovery and published “The Unitarian or Trophoblastic Theory of Cancer” in 1902.
To explain, in the human life cycle, when the male sperm unites with the female egg, three basic kinds of cells are created: primitive germ cells, normal body (or somatic cells) and trophoblasts. On the third day, the fertilized egg has dropped into the uterus and the trophoblast cells of pregnancy (typical cancer cells) bore into the uterine lining to hold the baby securely in the uterus where they ready the “nest.”
The trophoblasts grow very aggressively for about seven weeks, surrounding the primitive germ cells and normal body (somatic) cells. Secured in the uterus, the rapidly growing trophoblasts form the placenta to nourish the baby. Well supplied with food and nestled in the mother, the baby can continue to grow safely until birth.
The trophoblasts would continue growing and the cancer of pregnancy would kill the mother and baby unless something told them to stop. So on the 56th day of gestation, the fetal pancreas starts producing pancreatic enzymes.
Dr. Beard believed that since the fetus does not have a functioning digestive system and is being fed through the umbilical cord from the mother, these enzymes must have another function.
His conclusion was that pancreatic enzymes, in addition to their obvious digestive role, also play a part in “digesting” the placental trophoblastic tissue. And later in life, pancreatic enzymes digest trophoblast-like cancer cells. To corroborate this finding, in every species Beard investigated, when the pancreatic enzymes turned on, the trophoblast cells of pregnancy turned off. Trophoblast cells of pregnancy behave exactly like cancer cells.
Going back to the embryo: As a new baby is being formed from normal somatic cells, the primitive germ cells (pre-placenta cells) continue to multiply. In a few days, when the baby develops to the proper stage, the primitive germ cells stop multiplying and begin to migrate to the gonads (ovaries or testes).
About 3 billion of these migrating primitive germ cells tire and never reach the gonads. There are two germ cells for every area the size of a pinhead scattered throughout the body. Any one of them is a potential cancer. This is why cancer can form anywhere in the body. So to form a cancer, you need a lack of pancreatic enzymes, a sex hormonal imbalance (which usually occurs between ages 45 and 60), and a basic germ cell that will form a placenta in preparation for the creation of a “baby.”
Cancer then, is normal tissue growth (a placenta), resulting from a basic germ cell existing in the wrong place. Sometimes this out-of-place placenta has a “baby” or begins a tumor inside of it much like a normal pregnancy. In dissections, pathologists often find partially formed teeth, toenails and other types of tissue — such as lung tissue — inside the tumors.
Malignancy is never considered normal body (somatic) tissue gone haywire, but a primitive germ cell growing normally — in the wrong place. And it is the job of pancreatic enzymes to digest these cells the moment they begin to multiply.
Dr. Beard’s concepts were picked up by Kelley in the 1940s, and today, the use of pancreatic digestive enzymes exists as an alternative cancer option. The research and the success rates, even for stage IV pancreatic cancers, are amazing.
For more information, please visit www.nikkisstory.com (which discusses canine osteosarcoma) and search for “digestive enzymes” and/or “proteolytic enzymes.” Suzanne Somers’ alternative health book Knockout also has more information.
Julia Busch is president of Anti-Aging Press, Inc., editor of the So Young™ anti-aging holistic newsletter and author of 10 books. [email protected]. 800-So-Young (800)769-6864.
Reprinted from AZNetNews, Volume 30, Number 4, Aug/Sept. 2011.
February 23, 2012
Cancer, Health Concerns