I’m Free: Awareness of Who You Are by Discovering Who You Are Not!

This book will be a light that illuminates the path through the jungle of illusion and distortion back to your true self.
by Erika Kind —
Are you yearning for the fulfillment of your dreams and wishes? Do you label them as unrealistic, unreasonable or too risky, and put them into the drawer of unrealized dreams?
It is these thoughts which over time developed and grew into doctrines.
Many of them do not originate from ourselves but were taken from our surroundings.
Nevertheless, we own an unfailing monitoring center inside of us that enables us to recognize the kind of thoughts or actions that match up with our true self and those that do not. This instrument is our feelings.
This book will be a light that illuminates the path through the jungle of illusion and distortion back to your true self.
We did not come here to suffer, but to live a happy life in which we are the creator of our circumstances — not victims.
$20.99 — Balboa Press, a division of Hay House, 1663 Liberty Drive, Bloomington, IN 47403.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 33, Number 4, August/September 2014.
September 9, 2014
August/September 2014 Issue, Book review