Letting go for total health

As you continue to hold on to the incidents of the unchangeable past, you disconnect your true self from your connection to God, Spirit, the Universe, Source or however you define the spiritual divine.
by Sherry Anshara —
By allowing your healing journey to be practical, you can focus and direct your path to becoming healthy in five key areas of your life — physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and financial. These five areas are at the core of your being. If one is off balance, then other aspects of you can become disconnected from each other.
When you have emotional attachments to past incidents and cannot get over them mentally, you can become physically ill with symptoms like depression, anxiety and stress. The more you hold on to those past situations, consciously or not, your immune system becomes lowered and your body gets sick.
Your computer-like, logical brain does not distinguish the past from present. It gets stuck in a time warp dragging your body along with it, all the while lowering your resistance and challenging your immune system.
As you continue to hold on to the incidents of the unchangeable past, you disconnect your true self from your connection to God, Spirit, the Universe, Source or however you define the spiritual divine. The reason for this is that you are too much in your head and are disconnected from your heart. Your heart is the highest vibrational frequency within your body. When you remain stuck in your head/computer brain, you lose your spiritual connection to the self.
How does the financial area show up in your picture of life when you are emotionally drained? You become physically, mentally and spiritually exhausted. It is a challenge to work, grow your business or do what you must do to be financially successful. You victimize yourself. Self-sabotage can override your inherent natural ability to be healthy and prosperous.
So the keys are to stop overthinking and stay out of your head, except to use your computer brain to organize information. Focus on what you are required to do. Keep the negative past out of your story, rather than dragging it into your everyday life.
Here are some practical tips:
- Become an NEO (non-emotional observer).
- Take charge of your life, but let go of control.
- Take responsibility for every aspect of your life.
- Practice “being” more and “doing” less.
- Connect to your passion.
- Awaken your creativity and become more playful.
- Live your life from your heart.
Give life your all. Take the steps to get involved in your own personal conscious evolution. Become healthy physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and financially. No limits exist on what expansive newness you can create, implement, manifest and actualize in your life.
Sherry Anshara is a medical intuitive, author, founder of the QuantumPathic Center of Consciousness, creator of the QuantumPathic® Energy Method and founder/president of the Blended Healthcare Consortium in Scottsdale, Ariz. sherryanshara.com, quantumpathic.com, [email protected] or 480-609-0874.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 34, Number 3, June/July 2015.
June 8, 2015
Featured, June/July 2015 Issue