What if all we needed to do was return control of the classrooms to the teachers — and help them understand how the children in their classes learn best?
by Mary M. Ernsberger —
“It’s dark. Please let me out! I have a light; it is inside me. I wish I could share it with you, but no one can see it. All my friends have lights too, but no one can see their lights either. My light needs to shine. I was born to share my light with the world. Just because I am a kid does not mean I have nothing to contribute. Is anyone out there with a key? Unlock my box. Hurry — before it is too late, before my light goes out.”
Henry David Thoreau said, “What lies before us and what lies behind us are small matters — compared to what lies within us.” But what if you were unable to express the feelings and knowledge inside you? Many adults experience that frustration each day and know just how aggravating it can be.
Now imagine for just a moment how a child must feel. Remember the old adage, “Children are to be seen — not heard.” Children have not had the life experiences that enable them to express their innermost feelings, desires and knowledge. To make matters worse, they often do not express themselves in an acceptable manner, and are shut down when they try. Oops, there is that box again.
Copy this down and memorize it — “It has to be done this way.” Recite that back. Sound familiar? This is what a typical school day in Arizona consists of. Why? Because funding for education is based on test scores and, for most schools, test scores measure how well a child performs on a standardized test or, perhaps, how badly he performs. What label has been placed on your child? Score too high, they are exceptional; score too low, they must be learning-disabled or have some type of disorder.
But what if it is much easier than that? What if all we needed to do was return control of the classrooms to the teachers — and help them understand how the children in their classes learn best? What if we gave teachers the keys to all the little boxes and let them unlock the lights within? What if we actually took the time to find out how our children learn best?
How many parents even know their own primary learning style — let alone that of their children? It is time to find out. Our children are the future, and the future lights of the world. Can you see the light?
Mary M. Ernsberger is a certified hypnotherapist and academic life coach. She specializes in working with children and young adults experiencing difficulty in their learning or home environments. www.greattherapists.com, www.bealifecoach.com or [email protected].
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 24, Number 4, August/September 2005.
October 23, 2013
Emotional Wellness and Well-being, Family, Children, the Elderly and Pets, School related