As many already realize, the root causes of ailments are spiritual and psychosomatic. Enlightened doctors make an effort to prescribe holistic treatments related to meditation and inward focus that help the body heal itself.
In the future, we will not need medicine as we know it. As many already realize, the root causes of ailments are spiritual and psychosomatic. Enlightened doctors make an effort to prescribe holistic treatments related to meditation and inward focus that help the body heal itself.
Physicists explain that since all things are made of atomic particles, the inner emotional and mental state affects the whole electro-chemical balance within the human body. Also, since people are connected on a sub-atomic level, movement of charged electrons sends our reactions, thoughts, intentions and feelings, good or bad, subtly out into the environment.
These waves of love or anger, strength or doubt can travel through time and space, immediately affecting the outcome of events and relationships. When we are not positive and it becomes difficult to carry out daily efforts in a meditative or harmonious state, this inner discord begins to stress our organs and our health.
Using Sahaja Yoga techniques, kundalini (a spiritual energy dormant in most people) has the ability to put any configuration of energy back into balance. The soothing energy of the kundalini washes out the spiritual, chemical and electromagnetic imbalances of the chakras. The chakras work like batteries in a human being and the kundalini energy provides power to them. When opened and spinning, the chakras enervate the nerve bundles, synapses and vital energies of the surrounding physical body. During this process, the chakras invigorate the related systems and organs so they may return to normal function.
It is not so difficult to pinpoint and cure problems once you are empowered with the inner tools to diagnose them. In choosing a spiritual healing technique, it is helpful to ask, “Is this treatment bringing better clarity, better luck? Does it improve my color, energy level and health?”
Modern Western medicine acknowledges that it is merely treating the symptoms or effects of the health problems, but not the root causes. Though we live in a very imbalanced, often chaotic environment, fortunately there is hope for the future — an era of treatment that supports the automatic healing mechanisms of the human mind and body is forthcoming.
Preeti Wanage lives in Phoenix, Ariz., where she is an adult education specialist and has taught Sahaja Yoga meditation for 15 years. www.azsahajayoga.org or 623-936-6227.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 24, Number 5, October/November 2005.
July 25, 2013
Chakras, Emotional Wellness and Well-being, Love and Relationships, Meditation, Spiritual, Philosophical and Metaphysical