Myofascial Release (MFR) has exploded within the therapeutic scene, partially due to John Barnes’ worldwide Myofascial Release training seminars.
by Bill and Susan Jacques —
Are you looking for a specialized form of hands-on manual treatment to reclaim postural balance, stretch out tight muscles, and facilitate the healing of many acute and chronic pain conditions? These conditions may include, but are not limited to, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, TMJ, neck and back pain; adhesions and scar tissue from injuries, including car accidents or falls, surgeries or other trauma; female-related dysfunctions including menstrual cramping and urinary incontinence; and muscular tension from poor posture or decreased range of motion.
Perhaps you are facing or have already had surgery, or you are using medications, but would prefer other options to deal with your pain or dysfunction. Quality alternative manual therapies may be the answer to your particular physical symptoms.
Myofascial Release (MFR) has exploded within the therapeutic scene, partially due to John Barnes’ worldwide Myofascial Release training seminars. Barnes has trained more than 40,000 therapists and other healthcare providers in his approach over the past 20 years.
Barnes’ MFR approach is a gentle form of therapy that produces profound effects throughout the whole body. MFR is really “whole-body therapy.” The fascial system forms a continuous web from head to toe, covering every cell of the body. A trauma or injury to any part of the mind/body can have far-reaching effects on the other parts. Often, painful symptoms occur in unrelated regions of the body.
The fascial system is made up of elastin and collagenous fibers which support and surround every muscle, bone, organ, nerve and blood vessel, down to the cellular level. Fascial restrictions can result from accidents, injuries, repetitive stress situations, surgeries, scarring and adhesions, abnormal postures and emotional stressors.
The gentle application of sustained pressure begins to release the fascial restrictions and, like what happens when pulling taffy, the restrictions soften and the tissue is restored to a healthier state. As with many hands-on techniques, MFR may bring up emotional baggage that has become trapped in the fascia as cellular memory from life events. Often, buried emotions from a particular life event play a big part in the physical pain a person experiences.
The far-reaching science behind MFR has created an extremely effective hands-on technique for restoring the natural state of flexibility and movement within the fascial system. Myofascial Release can eliminate physical pain and can also relieve the emotional pain associated with past events or traumas. As the stuck tissue is freed, the trapped emotions and memories fade away, leaving you with a sense of peace, well-being and balance. This regained balance is like releasing steam from a pressure cooker, allowing you to reclaim your essence.
The benefits of MFR are longer-lasting than a regular massage, since the therapy works at a cellular level. Even someone without discomfort or pain can benefit, because this work increases elasticity of cell tissue, increases blood and oxygen flow to tight areas of the body and opens the flow of cellular fluids throughout the body, including the dural tube.
A peaceful, safe, caring environment is provided to ensure that the client receives the best possible session. Therapists are licensed and certified with advanced training in MFR and other manual therapies.
Bill and Susan Jacques are co-owners of Living in Balance, LLC, in Scottsdale, Ariz. Susan is an occupational therapist and massage therapist, specializing in women’s health issues using MFR and manual therapies. Bill has a master’s in holistic health and is a licensed massage therapist who uses his advanced MFR skills in conjunction with sports injuries, acute and chronic pain, and trauma. 480-922-8181 or www.livinginbalanceaz.com.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 25, Number 5, October/November 2006.
November 27, 2012
Back pain, Bodywork, Fibromyalgia, Myofascial release, Pain, Trauma