One-on-one personal self-defense training is geared to the individual’s size, gender, physical abilities, age and personal goals.
by Steven Cooner —
Imagine getting all the benefits of personal training, cardio, endurance, stretching, strength and body shaping, while learning a practical, safe way to defend and protect yourself at the same time. Many secrets to healthy longevity, beauty, self-esteem, alleviating fear and gaining confidence are contained in self-defense exercises and techniques.
Personal protection has become an important concern for all of us. The type of self-defense people want is often based on a personal need that may be difficult to get from a group class, where the training is not individualized. Martial arts programs tend to require lengthy training to learn effective defense tactics in a real situation that is potentially dangerous. A personalized program focuses on the needs, goals and abilities of the individual, speeding up the learning process.
One-on-one personal self-defense training is geared to the individual’s size, gender, physical abilities, age and personal goals. This eliminates any intimidation or embarrassment a student might feel in a group instruction setting, as well as any possible ego issues.
The instruction for one-on-one sessions is determined by the trainer and student to provide good quality, practical training to fit the person’s needs and expectations. The training should be reality-based and can be used almost immediately, if required.
In a short time, you should be able to defend yourself, get in better shape, improve your breathing capacity, muscle tone, cardio, stamina and endurance. Your coordination will improve, and so will your libido and circulation. You will have more energy, sleep better, digest more easily, and be less depressed or anxious.
Look for an open-minded self-defense personal trainer who is well trained in several martial arts and someone you feel comfortable and safe learning from. It’s one of the best gifts you can give yourself.
Steven Cooner, L.Ac., O.M.D, Ph.D., has been practicing and teaching martial arts for more than 30 years, having trained extensively in several martial arts styles from Japan, China, the Philippines, Russia and Indonesia. He is a licensed acupuncturist and doctor of Oriental medicine. 602-625-6612 or www.coonerwellness.com.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 28, Number 1, Feb/Mar 2009.
March 5, 2012
Exercise, Self-confidence, Self-improvement