by Dana Regev —
You dread diet and exercise. You are told it is a lifestyle change and indeed it is, so here are some easy and painless tips to get you on your way to a slimmer body, just in time for summer.
Replace butter — Safflower, grapeseed and coconut oils are high in fat, but they contain the good fat your body needs to function properly. Moreover, they promote healthy weight loss, as well as healthy hair and skin.
Skim to slim — Go with skim, nonfat or low-fat dairy products such as milk, yogurt and cottage cheese.
Green is lean — If you want to overindulge, eat more dark leafy greens. These will not only clear out your bowels, which can quickly slim your waistline, but dark leafy greens also give you vital nutrients that your body needs to function efficiently. Additionally, they are low-calorie and low-glycemic foods; so go green.
Go nuts — Snacking on a variety of nuts provides you with the essential fatty acids that keep your metabolism steady. When you feel a hunger pang between meals, take a handful of a variety of nuts and seeds (preferably unsalted), such as roasted almonds, sesame seeds, cashews or walnuts. A quick tip: Keep a small baggie of mixed nuts in your purse so you are never caught without an emergency snack.
Junk the junk — It can be hard to give up those guilty pleasures. Pace yourself. Take an inventory of all your eating indiscretions, then eliminate one per week. If you have a five-soda-a-day habit, cut back slowly and drink fluids that quench your thirst with less volume such as coconut water (with no added sugar), orange juice or water with a squeeze of fresh lemon or lime juice.
Stay positive and realistic. Changing your eating habits is not easy; so approach it one step at a time to avoid pitfalls or ditching your goal.
Keep in mind that it could be a few weeks before these small efforts take hold and for your body to adjust and show results. Be patient.
Dana Regev is a master massage therapist, a certified infant-child massage instructor and founder of Peaceful Hands®., or 602-751-2960.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 30, Number 2, April/May 2011.
February 24, 2012
Food, Nutrition and Diet