Spirit Recovery Medicine Bag: A Transformational Guide to Living Happy, Joyous and Free

The book is not a negation of 12-step recovery, but a tool for expanding awareness and increasing involvement regardless of the path one is walking.
by Lee McCormick and Mary Faulkner —
In an engaging two-part format, this book offers readers a path to finding their personal answer to the question: Is this all there is?
In part one, readers will join McCormick as he reflects on his personal journey of recovery and transformation — a journey that initiated him into a life of helping others recover their own sense of self and purpose.
Part two is a medicine bag of healing practices designed to guide readers in developing self-awareness and awakening their sense of power — specifically the power of choice rooted in personal values and commitment to living those values.
Covering a variety of topics addressing spirituality, awareness and consciousness, the authors pose questions for reflection and self-investigation along the way.
The book is not a negation of 12-step recovery, but a tool for expanding awareness and increasing involvement regardless of the path one is walking.
The authors believe the inner journey to one’s truth and the creative expression of that truth make for a good definition of spirituality, and they offer a very real message of the possibility of living happy, joyous and free through spirit recovery.
$14.95 — Health Communications, Inc., 3201 S.W. 15th St., Deerfield Beach, FL 33442-8190.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 33, Number 4, August/September 2014.
September 10, 2014
August/September 2014 Issue, Book review