by Scott Kalechstein — When I was a child, I had recurring nightmares about a nuclear end of the world. My parents would come into my room and soothe me as I trembled. Sometimes I couldn’t fall back to sleep for hours, and then only with the light on. In public school, we had occasional […]
Tag Archives: A Course in Miracles
Giving with love
April 22, 2013
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by Dr. Larry Wilson — The essence of giving has to do with sharing the love that you are. Giving occurs on many levels and with many motives, depending on one’s level of consciousness and the situation. Giving is part of everyone’s daily life, much of it occurring unconsciously. Giving has much to do […]
Of fishbowls and boxes
April 18, 2013
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by Scott Kalechstein — When I was a kid, I had pet goldfish. When it was time to clean their bowl, we would put the fish into a large bathtub. I was always curious about why they would continue to swim in the same small circumference, as if they were still in their little bowl. […]
Forgiveness: The key to an empowered life
March 2, 2013
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by Tammy Holmes — A Course in Miracles defines the term “forgive” as meaning “to let go.” Forgiveness enables one to move forward and live an empowered life. To forgive is equal to claiming freedom — the freedom to be who we are and to live the life we were meant to live. To forgive […]
Getting it up for God, each other and our planet
February 13, 2013
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by Scott Grace — Lately I have coached several people who were quite “dis-couraged” (removed from their courage) by the insanity, greed and destruction going down on the planet. Then throw in such things as the hurricane, climate change and personal financial woes. As such, depression and despair currently exist in epidemic proportions, and many […]
Forgiveness: The key to an empowered life
January 20, 2013
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by Tammy Holmes — A Course in Miracles defines the term “forgive” as meaning “to let go.” Forgiveness enables one to move forward and live an empowered life. To forgive is equal to claiming freedom — the freedom to be who we are and to live the life we were meant to live. To forgive […]
The bigger secret
September 26, 2012
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by Scott Kalechstein — The Secret is out, way out. Those who have been entrenched in feelings of powerlessness are finding their mojo by applying its principles. Yay to the setting of intentions, to the power of positive thinking, and to the wondrous law of attraction! Yay to manifesting a perfect soul mate, to the […]
The quantum leap
August 29, 2012
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by Scott Kalechstein — Ever since I was a teenager, I have been a seeker, a student of truth, wisdom and healing. Seeking, which lit a fire under my behind for many years, eventually became an identity, a hiding place, and a wheelchair that I was sitting in to avoid walking my talk and expressing […]
Of sushi and sake
July 26, 2012
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by Scott Kalechstein — I was strolling through San Francisco in a buoyant mood, lifted by the success of my just completed musical performance. Since my latest personal stretch was learning to be more liberal with myself financially, I decided to have dinner at a nice Japanese restaurant. I sat at the sushi bar, humming […]
December 12, 2013
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