A precious gift to give by Dawn Fleming — Throughout the year, you may have received and given myriad gifts. Now consider giving yourself the best gift of all — permission to be who you truly are. It is time to stop living on automatic pilot and for the approval of others. Give yourself permission […]
Tag Archives: acceptance
America’s most important natural resource
July 4, 2013
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by Jim Hamilton — America is a country of vast natural resources, the most important of which are her people. Normally, the riches of a country are tallied by what can be mined, shipped, stripped, pumped, cut or wrested from the earth. However, because humans possess the capacity for thought and the capacity to produce […]
Acceptance and gratitude
April 22, 2013
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by Sara Payne — With the arrival of the new year, many people have put thought into resolutions for change. Perhaps we could also put some thought into two vastly underrated concepts: acceptance and gratitude. If we really understood the gifts that genuine, heart-felt gratitude could bring into our lives, we might see how those […]
True transformation is a five-letter word: H-E-A-R-T
December 13, 2012
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by Ronna Prince — Transformation is a big word. The first definition in the World English Dictionary states that it is “a change or alteration, especially a radical one.” You can see the radical alteration of my appearance in the before and after photos in this article. And it was indeed radical. The radical outer […]
Where attention goes, energy flows
September 8, 2012
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by Khayriyyah Savannah — Tuning in to your energy through focused breathing and other practices such as yoga, tai chi, meditation, or stillness and contemplation, is the beginning of healing imbalances in the mind/body. Where attention goes, energy flows; the mind begins to heal the body through intention. As you learn to listen to the […]
Find your magic
March 5, 2012
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by Sue Meyn — I believe that we each carry magic within us, and over the years my journals have proven this to be true. Words and ideas appear on the page that surprise and delight me. I’ve called it magic since it seems to come from nowhere, and I like the idea that magic […]
The five A’s of happiness
February 26, 2012
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by Irene Conlan — In the Declaration of Independence, it is written that we have the God-given right to pursue happiness (please note that it says we have the right to pursue it but does not guarantee that we will find it). We all seek happiness, looking for it in all kinds of places –– […]
Love: When is it real, when is it an illusion?
February 23, 2012
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by Austin Vickers — Lots of illusions about love exist. I know that I am often confused. Someone tells me they love me, but then acts in a way that clearly does not have my best interests at heart. Sometimes I am the one doing the talking and then notice that my actions do not […]
May 30, 2014
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