by Betsy Timmerman — Healing from fibromyalgia requires a multifaceted approach. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies must be corrected; an acidic cellular state must be made more alkaline; muscles must be stretched and strengthened just so; sleep disorders must be rectified; and a proper food plan must be in place. Some people use a combination of […]
Tag Archives: alkaline
A new spin on old remedies
March 1, 2012
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by Elaine Haynik — Editor’s Note: Check with your health care provider before taking any new remedies or supplements. The first ingredient in the recipe for a healthy life is a happy, grateful mindset. Rather than focusing on unsatisfying relationships or your disappointments and problems, try simply moving on. Set your mind and thoughts to […]
Eliminate pain with a healthy lymphatic system
February 25, 2012
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by John Ossipinsky — You can decrease or even eliminate pain by creating a healthy flowing lymphatic system and a balanced internal pH (the acid or alkaline level of the body). The lymphatic system helps complete the circulation of blood, and acts as your body’s sewage treatment plant. It plays a major role in helping […]
Fat and obesity linked to damaged lymph vessels
February 25, 2012
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by John Ossipinsky — In 2005, two studies linked fat and obesity to damaged lymph vessels. Both studies inactivated a gene called Prox1 that created leaky lymph vessels. This gene is required for the healthy formation of lymph vessels. Researchers identified lymphatic vasculature dysfunction as a cause of adult-onset obesity. They found that where the […]
Helping autism spectrum disorders by opening the lymph/brain connection
February 24, 2012
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by John Ossipinsky — If you have a child with learning disabilities or who is on the autism spectrum, you must learn how to open his lymph/brain connection. When you look at autism spectrum disorders, you read a lot about protein abnormalities. What we are not seeing is how the lymphatic system, a sewage-treatment plant […]
December 10, 2012
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