by Robyn Mulia — While almost everyone knows that sunglasses protect their eyes from the glaring sun, many do not know that eating healthy fruits and vegetables protects your vision, long-term. Providing children with fresh fruits and vegetables as snacks provides necessary antioxidants to prevent future eye problems. Protect your sunglass-toting kids by offering tasty […]
Tag Archives: cataracts
Thyme — herb or medicine?
February 23, 2013
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by Joanne Henning Tedesco — A member of the labiatae, or mint family, thyme is an herb that comes in many varieties and is native to the Mediterranean basin. There is only one genus of the plant (thymus vulgaris), but depending on the region in which it grows, the composition of the oil distilled from […]
Dissolving your own cataracts
February 11, 2013
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by Julia Busch — Can cataract-laden lenses be cleared without surgery? They can, according to Russian research where eye drops containing the amino acid n-alpha-acetyl-carnosine (NAC) causes cataracts to “melt” like snow. Reversal starts from the edges to gradually make the lens more transparent. Measurable results can occur in as little as one month. However, […]
Antioxidants = anti-aging
December 21, 2012
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by Amber Geller — What are antioxidants? You may have heard that they have something to do with blueberries. While that is true, there is much more to these powerful nutrients that ultimately guard your body against free radicals. Dr. Michael Cutler, M.D., director of anti-aging research at the National Institutes of Health, says, “The […]
Butternut squash — Tasty and good for you
November 28, 2012
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by Dorothy Krupnick — Imagine a vegetable that provides you with good skin integrity, a natural sunscreen, healthy eyes and a powerful antioxidant, all at 82 calories per one-cup serving. Low in sodium and fat-free, the winner is butternut squash. Yes, the hard-skinned squash that always invokes a “what do I do with it?” response […]
Our eyes can predict disease
April 12, 2012
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The eyes are unique windows into health and the only place in the body where, without surgery, doctors can look in and see veins, arteries and the optic nerve. This transparency explains why common eye diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts and macular degeneration can be detected early with regular eye exams. It is also why […]
Taking care of your vision
February 23, 2012
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by Dr. Ann Lovick — Our vision changes throughout our lives. Some changes are a normal process of aging, while others can be indicators of serious health problems. It is important to know the signs and symptoms of eye problems that will require you to seek immediate medical attention. Perhaps you have heard of glaucoma […]
September 7, 2013
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