by Debbie Williams — When a cancer patient goes to a traditional Western doctor, the treatments are typically chemotherapy and radiation. Unfortunately, the big pharmaceutical companies see cancer as synonymous with a profit-driven opportunity. Cancer has grown into a trillion dollar industry. Some people spend $100,000 a year for treatments. In my opinion, this falls […]
Tag Archives: chemotherapy
Is there a cancer answer?
July 14, 2013
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by Debbie Williams — How can it be that in the year 2013 we still do not have a cure for cancer? We can clone an animal, we have built space shuttles and a Mars rover, but we cannot cure cancer? No wonder people are turning to natural health alternatives more than any time in […]
Put mind over matter with integrative imagery
July 13, 2013
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by Nancy Beauchamp — When people hear the words integrative imagery, they probably think about CAT scans or MRIs. But integrative imagery does not refer to a mechanical device separate from us. Rather, it is a technique of putting mind over matter to become healthier. In her book, Molecules of Emotions, Candace Pert states that […]
A comprehensive approach to cancer treatment
January 10, 2013
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by Dr. Charles Schwengel — Cancer is a complex process to understand and treat. There are many types of cancer, each with its own set of predisposing factors, growth rates and treatment options. What is common to all is the uncontrolled growth of malignant cells which endangers healthy tissues and functions. These uncontrolled growths of […]
How to find relief from hemorrhoids
October 1, 2012
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by Dr. Jennifer Burns — More than 30 million people in this country are asking, “How do I get rid of my hemorrhoids?” Two different types of hemorrhoids, external and internal, are the source of great aggravation for many. Both come with varying signs, symptoms and degrees of severity. Hemorrhoids can result from several different […]
Glutathione: A powerful weapon against cancer and aging
September 10, 2012
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by Dr. Frank George — Of all the antioxidants our body makes, glutathione is probably the most important. In fact, our lives depend on it. Without it, our cells would disintegrate from unrestrained oxidation — free radical damage. Our bodies would have very little resistance to bacteria and viruses, and our livers would shrivel up […]
ABM mushroom extract is powerful medicine
September 1, 2012
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by Dr. Frank George — In the 1960s, researchers visited the São Paulo, area in Brazil and discovered that the longevity rate was disproportionately high. People there were very healthy and living well beyond 100 years. Their secret was the simple ABM mushroom, Agaricus blazei murill. The ABM mushroom is the strongest of the medicinal […]
How cancer works
August 17, 2012
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by Nina Anderson — Most people think that cancer is evil, but basically it is a dysfunctional cells that have been misguided into not dying. The T cells in the body control these cancer cells. T cells convert nitrogen into nitric acid, which dissolves cancer cells, but normal cells are not affected because they are […]
Your body can be trained to fight cancer
August 10, 2012
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by Dr. Frank George — We all have cancer inside us; it’s just a question of how much. When the number of cells reaches a certain point, the cancer can be felt, measured or seen on a scan. Think of the immune system as a bunch of soldiers. A new enemy appears on the horizon […]
Cancer: Is it possible to prevent it?
August 6, 2012
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by Ben Ta’ati — Many of us have read newspaper articles and heard claims on TV and radio reporting new “wonder cures” in the war on cancer. Victory against this terrible disease was, according to those reports, just around the corner. Why is it then that so many people are still dying from this disease? […]
Low-dose chemo (IPT) is a better cancer alternative
August 2, 2012
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by Dr. Frank George — Cancer cells have an Achilles heel: sugar. Cancer cells gobble sugar for their energy supply, whereas most other cells use fat as their energy source. This difference is the key to IPT, or insulin potentiated therapy. In IPT, the patient relaxes in a lounge chair with an IV. Insulin is […]
An advanced approach to cancer
March 5, 2012
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by Dr. Frank George — Cancer is a failure of the immune system to stay on top of things that go wrong in the body. If you’ve been told you have cancer, your immune system is not working well. Ironically, traditional treatment further weakens the immune system with its use of heavy-duty doses of chemotherapy […]
Advances in cancer treatment
February 26, 2012
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by Dr. Martha Grout — The conventional treatment for cancer is the familiar trio of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. Oncologists are trained to apply a one-size-fits-all approach to the chemo, then send their patients home to cross their fingers and hope for the best. This is the American standard of care. Several studies have done […]
November 25, 2013
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