by Joy Abrams — The art of feng shui brings together a wonderful mix of good interior design, the Chinese five element theory, Taoist principles of yin and yang based on the I-Ching and ancient folk wisdom from China. At its very core is the belief that all things on the planet are imbued with […]
Tag Archives: chi
How weather patterns affect us
May 15, 2013
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by Ada Porat — The activities of our solar system can have far-reaching effects on Earth and its inhabitants. In recent years, scientists have discovered that solar flares and coronal mass ejections from the sun can have a severe impact on weather patterns and all of Earth’s life forms. When charged emissions from the sun […]
Learn to harness nature’s abundant pranic energy
March 24, 2013
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by Master Stephen Co — The one pervasive energy that governs the subtle laws throughout the universe and reveals the nature surrounding our lives is known as pranic energy. What is pranic energy? It is commonly known as prana in Sanskrit, chi in Chinese, ki in Japanese and ruach in Hebrew. This energy is the […]
EMDR — a power therapy
December 26, 2012
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by Jef Gazley — Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) was developed by Dr. Francine Shapiro in the middle 1980s. EMDR is one of the newer “power” therapies that has recently been acknowledged and accepted by the professional counseling community and the general public. They are known as power therapies because they work much more […]
Energy medicine: A complementary therapy to chronic illness
November 5, 2012
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by Malonie Gabriel — What is energy medicine and how is it different from Western medicine? Energy medicine proposes that the universe and everything in it is made up of energy. Even matter, as Albert Einstein’s formula (E=MC2) illustrates, is congealed energy. The term “subtle energy” was first used by Einstein to describe the minute, […]
Using feng shui for heath, wellness and beauty
October 3, 2012
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by Deborah Thum — Most people who know about feng shui think it is simply about the placement of furniture to bring harmony into one’s life. Fewer people understand these same principles can be applied to the human body to chart the relationship between inner character and outer appearance. The principles of feng shui for […]
You must halt energetic eating to lose weight
September 29, 2012
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by Dr. Judith Orloff — There is more to overeating and obesity than meets the eye. One big reason that many diets fail is that traditional weight-loss programs do not factor in the way we process subtle energy, or what Chinese medicine refers to as life force or chi. Subtle energy penetrates and surrounds the […]
Healing and Happiness
September 20, 2012
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by Dr. Larry Wilson — For most people, healing means getting rid of their symptoms. This is a level of healing I cannot dispute. However, so much more is possible. I believe all human beings should be happy, healthy and at peace most of the time. This article presents an outline of the home […]
Feng shui for your wedding
September 17, 2012
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by Joy Abrams — Feng shui, the centuries-old art of placement, observes that everything in the universe is comprised of energy, or chi. To achieve good chi in your life, this energy must be balanced in your environment to support, rather than hinder, you. The environments you choose on a daily basis — and especially […]
What direction are you coming from?
September 9, 2012
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by Joy Abrams — Do you feel energized when you approach your neighborhood and the street where you live? Do you sigh with relief and pleasure as you enter your neighborhood? If you do, you know that your home is in harmony with you and your environment. The direction from which you approach your house […]
Preparing for a thanks-giving dinner
September 6, 2012
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by Khayriyyah Savannah — As the holiday season approaches, you may be stocking the pantry with extra goodies and arranging your home to accommodate family gatherings. It’s a good practice to also give thanks for the time you will spend with your loved ones. Recognizing that these busy, stressful times can contribute to strains in […]
We shape our dwellings and our dwellings shape us
August 22, 2012
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by Joy Abrams — Feng shui is an ancient Chinese art that involves science in the practice of placement. Its literal translation is wind and water, but its definition includes the analysis of environments for and locating sites that have a favorable life energy called chi. Feng shui also is used to make adjustments to […]
Why is deep breathing so important?
August 11, 2012
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by Sheila Eastman — We all breathe every second of every day and think nothing of it. If you watch a baby breathe, you will see the stomach expand on the inhale, like a balloon blowing up, and inflate on the exhale. However, if you put your hand on your chest and stomach right now, […]
June 30, 2013
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