by Deanna Melnychuk — When chronic pain envelops you, it is hard to be a concerned parent, a loving spouse or a dedicated employee. Your whole life becomes wrapped up in the next tablet to ease the pain. Rolfing can help alleviate certain kinds of chronic pain. These are pains caused by the shortening, tightening […]
Tag Archives: chronic pain
Holistic health and hypnotherapy
October 31, 2013
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by Sara L. Payne — A holistic approach to optimal health would not be complete if we did not recognize the role our habitual thought patterns and beliefs play in our lives. We are indeed creatures of habit, and often continue to unconsciously indulge in self-sabotaging thoughts, affirmations and behavior patterns which can lead to […]
Seeing is believing when seeking results for lower back pain
January 25, 2013
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by Dr. Mike Staub and Dr. Shaun Hudson — Lower back pain is a serious health problem in the United States. Seven million Americans suffer from chronic pain and 80 percent of the general population will suffer from lower back pain at some point in their lifetime. Surface electromyography (sEMG) is a recent development emerging from […]
Rolfing changes lives
January 19, 2013
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by Deanna Melnychuk — When you experience chronic pain (from an accident, overuse, poor posture, etc.), you may elect to take, or be advised to take, painkillers. The painkillers probably have some side effects, such as drowsiness or stomach upset. Because you no longer feel the pain as sharply, you may go back to work […]
Chronic pain and hormones
December 15, 2012
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by Dr. Fred G. Arnold — The American Academy of Pain Management reports that an estimated 50 million Americans live with chronic pain caused by disease, disorder or accident. Did you know that many chronic pain conditions and stress-related symptoms could be related to hormonal imbalance? Some common symptoms of chronic pain include stress, frustration, […]
Treating pain naturally
September 3, 2012
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by Victoria Bowmann — Pain is an all-consuming feeling — even when it is minor and especially when you are the one experiencing the pain. Worse still is severe or chronic pain that stems from kidney stones, cancer or any other debilitating illness. Consider yourself fortunate if you never have to experience such serious suffering. […]
Are you driving your body with the brakes on?
July 14, 2012
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by Mary Peterson — Our bodies come equipped with a complex system of interconnected tissue that runs like a web from the top of the head to the tip of the toes. This “fascia” covers every other system and structure, creating compartments that unify the body to give it strength and support. When an injury […]
Pediatric Oriental medicine and acupuncture
February 27, 2012
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by Dr. Steven Cooner — Oriental medicine and acupuncture are among the CAM (complementary and alternative medicine) therapies most frequently recommended by internists and family physicians and are currently practiced in more than 140 U.S. hospitals. An examination of 43 pain clinics in North American children’s hospitals revealed that approximately one-third offered acupuncture services. Most […]
Intelligent rehab for injuries
February 26, 2012
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by Dr. Mark Starr — Had President John F. Kennedy lived another year, his legacy likely would have included the story of his astounding recovery from the chronic pain that caused him to use crutches much of the time when the cameras were turned off. In 1961 the President’s physicians had become alarmed at Kennedy’s […]
January 14, 2014
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