Clutter Busting Your Life: Clearing Physical and Emotional Clutter to Reconnect with Yourself and Others by Brooks Palmer — Over the course of his career helping people to let go of things they no longer need, Palmer has been struck by the many ways that clutter affects relationships. In these pages, he shows how we […]
Tag Archives: clutter
Clutter Busting Your Life: Clearing Physical and Emotional Clutter to Reconnect with Yourself and Others

How to have a hassle-free holiday season
May 23, 2013
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by Kathy Gates — Did you know that some people actually relish the hustle and the bustle, the crowded parking lots and the singing Santas that come with the holiday season? If you are not one of them, you can still have a hassle-free holiday. Try these simple steps to put you in the mood […]
Clearing out the weight
September 10, 2012
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by Kathy Balland — From time to time, people get that urge to do some cleaning and clearing out — not only in their homes, but in their lives as well. Do you feel surrounded by clutter? Is it getting a little too dusty in your world? Sometimes people discover that when they begin to […]
Eliminate the messes in life
August 11, 2012
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by Carol Holm — A mess is anything that drains your energy and distracts you from what is truly important in life. It could include having an excessive amount of clutter in your home or on your property, a relationship that does not work, problems you have worked on repeatedly but never seem to solve, […]
Tis the season to make room for the new
July 12, 2012
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by Joy Abrams — The new year is the perfect time to toss out old, unneeded objects accumulated throughout the years. Only after you clear your space can you grow and change. In fact, feng shui stresses that less is better, and that by getting rid of the old, you make room for new and […]
Cleaning out the clutter
March 5, 2012
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by Sue Meyn — Have you ever had that anxious feeling when you just could not look at the clutter in your closet one more day? The resistance may be strong initially, but then the urge to clean takes over you. It must be taken care of immediately! It feels so good to give away […]
Feng shui your way to success
March 5, 2012
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by Joy Abrams — We all deserve prosperity in this new year. So let’s explore some feng shui tips that can help you access the prosperity you are hoping for. First, it is important to understand that there are financial empowering areas in your home that can help with this. Contemporary methods of feng shui […]
Small steps to big dreams
March 1, 2012
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by Ada Porat — Many success coaches and motivational speakers tell you to think big. They tell you to create a big vision in order to succeed. And I agree — thinking big is necessary to accomplish big things. At the same time, even big things are made up of multiple smaller components, and so […]
Releasing unwanted energy with de-cluttering
February 24, 2012
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by Susan Webber — Many of us start each year with a commitment to clearing out overstuffed drawers, closets, garages and storage units. This is commonly called de-cluttering. You go through your closet trying to decide if that blouse, shirt, dress or jacket will stay there another year, or if you will toss it on […]
July 25, 2014
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