by Richard Cheu — Wellness for chronically ill people is not an oxymoron — it is an achievable goal. Last year, 140 million Americans, or 46 percent of the population, suffered from a chronic condition. By 2030, it is projected that more than half of all Americans will be chronically ill, according to the Robert […]
Tag Archives: despair
Restore hope with Gorse
March 21, 2013
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by Linda Crider — Gorse is a bright yellow flower that was once described by Dr. Edward Bach as “sunshine in a bottle.” Bach included the flower essence made from this hardy botanical in his system of 38 flower remedies. Along with its uplifting color, the gorse plant is an abundantly growing shrub that consistently […]
Getting it up for God, each other and our planet
February 13, 2013
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by Scott Grace — Lately I have coached several people who were quite “dis-couraged” (removed from their courage) by the insanity, greed and destruction going down on the planet. Then throw in such things as the hurricane, climate change and personal financial woes. As such, depression and despair currently exist in epidemic proportions, and many […]
Curious about qigong?
March 1, 2012
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by Jolin Brandes — The practice of qigong can yield many benefits and assist you in taking back the power to heal yourself. During the winter season, when you are susceptible to colds and flu-like symptoms, qigong is an excellent therapy to help support your lungs. Qigong encourages a positive outlook on life and can […]
The value of a Bach flower remedy consultation
February 23, 2012
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by Maria Troia — You may be familiar with Rescue Remedy®, the Bach flower crisis formula. But did you know that there are 38 other Bach flower remedies that can be used to restore emotional balance and help you achieve what you came to this earth to do? People often try to self-treat with these […]
June 3, 2013
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