Breaking a dream drought by Robert Moss — Have you lost touch with your dreams? Are your dreams missing you (in the words of one of a new slew of dream-themed TV commercials)? Is your recall limited to fragments that are lost completely as you hurry off into the business and traffic of the day? […]
Tag Archives: dreams
Boomers — We can still change the world
October 5, 2013
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by Barney Cannon — I know you are out there. You are almost retired or thinking about retiring; you are a banker, a construction worker or a realtor and you drive a BMW, a Tahoe, an F-10 or a Harley. Your children are grown, or almost grown. When you get home after a long day, […]
In your dreams
July 18, 2013
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by Sandra SunDreamer — Dreams teach us many things about ourselves. Sometimes they forewarn us; other times they challenge us to look beyond the symbols for hidden meanings. Spirit speaks to us in many ways — dreams are just one of those ways. Some people believe they never dream, but the many studies regarding the […]
Let your intuition do the walking
May 22, 2013
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by Rochelle Sparrow — When was the last time you had an impulse to do something and then 10 minutes later found out why? “Wow, I knew I should have picked up that file,” you think, as you are two blocks from home and remember the urgent report you forgot at the office. “Now, I […]
The power of a vision
May 16, 2013
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by Dr. John Demartini — Never underestimate the power of an inspired, soul-directed vision; it is the most powerful resource you have access to. If you practice and refine your ability to tune into your vision, impossible things can happen. The rewards far outweigh the time and energy spent. While there are many people who […]
17 tips on keeping a journal or diary
February 27, 2013
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by Doreene Clement — Whether you already keep a journal or want to start, here are some ideas and tips to help you with your journaling. 1. New to keeping a journal? Start with writing, “Today, I am grateful for …” and fill in the blank with what you are grateful for. 2. Write in […]
Keeping a dream journal
February 10, 2013
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by Doreene Clement — One great use for a journal or diary is as a dream journal. This type of journaling is used to record and track your dreams after you awaken. Upon waking, before you even get out of bed, take time to be silent and recall your dreams. Then, reach for the dream […]
Clearing out the weight
September 10, 2012
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by Kathy Balland — From time to time, people get that urge to do some cleaning and clearing out — not only in their homes, but in their lives as well. Do you feel surrounded by clutter? Is it getting a little too dusty in your world? Sometimes people discover that when they begin to […]
Awaken delight
July 29, 2012
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by Sundance Burke — Ah ha! We are awake. We have discovered we are not our thoughts, an idea, a voice, belief or opinion; nor do we feel judgment. We have awakened from our dream of endless desire and fear. We see the splinter in our mind: “Something needs to change in this moment for […]
Working with a life coach
April 12, 2012
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by Craig Dunkelberger — The main reason to work with a life coach is not because you think you need one. The fact is you have all of the answers you seek within yourself. But, speaking with a professional is a way to uncover those answers and to have someone available to teach you different […]
Plant your “seeds” this spring
March 1, 2012
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by Jacquelyn Lee Clark — Spring is almost here, bringing with it a beautiful renewed energy, full of new beginnings and space for change or rebirth. The sun begins to warm the earth, bringing fresh new ground and opportunities, not only for nature, but also for the human spirit. As the flowers begin to bloom, […]
The energy and power of summer
February 28, 2012
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by John English — Summer is an amazing time of energy and power. It corresponds with the South direction of the Medicine Wheel, where the technique is dreaming. The winds of the South bring us the energy necessary to pursue our dreams and make them a reality. When we dream, power comes to us and […]
Celestite: Stone of angelic wisdom
February 27, 2012
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by Karyn Diane Kish — Celestite, also known as celestine, has a chemical composition of the mineral strontium sulfate. It has a hardness of 3 to 3.5, and typically forms tabular and prismatic crystals in the shape of clusters or geodes. The most prominent color is a soft sky blue, which may have been caused […]
October 27, 2015
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