by Sandy Jones — Have you ever gone shopping for a particular item with a vision firmly planted in your mind of what it looks like, feels like or even tastes like? But what happens next? If your experience has been like mine, most of the time you never find it. When we become so […]
Tag Archives: experiences
Looking back — what would you change?
April 21, 2013
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by Sherry Anshara — We have all said it at one time or another: “If only I had known then what I know now, things would be different.” But would they really? Probably not. You did exactly what you did at that time, because you were not ready to do anything differently. What you did […]
Seven steps to personal power
February 6, 2013
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by Ada Porat — Personal empowerment is one of the most valuable gifts you can give yourself. The process starts with the recognition that you are a unique individual with gifts and talents. You are already using many of these abilities to create the reality you experience from day to day, often on a subconscious […]
Kids as teachers
September 18, 2012
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by Mary M. Ernsberger — Children are our greatest teachers, because kids see, hear and feel things that adults do not. If you want to know what is going on in a room, watch the children and their reflection of the behaviors occurring around them. Because children have not developed the verbal skills to describe […]
May 11, 2013
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