by Susie Avila — Have you ever questioned yourself about who you really are? Do you know the divine purpose for which you were created and what exactly you are doing in this world? Have you unveiled the mystery of your existence? Life itself is a mystery. Humanity has made great advancements in science, medicine, […]
Tag Archives: illusion
Walking through the wall of fear
April 12, 2013
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by Sandy Jones — When you think about fear, what comes to mind? Jumping out of the way of an oncoming train? Walking down a dark alley at night, or a very bumpy ride in an airplane? What about the kind of fear that stops you from calling about that job you saw advertised in […]
Finding passion and purpose
March 5, 2013
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by Janice Romney Farnsworth — Every young girl dreams of what her life will be like one day. Drifting into a world of fairy tales, the future lies before her. Eager to explore, the best is yet to be. The innocence of childhood rings with laughter and simple pleasures while butterflies dance among the flowers, […]
In-the-body experiences
August 7, 2012
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by Scott Kalechstein — As I write this, I am in the seventh month of a one-year intuitive training program with a school that teaches psychic and spiritual development. What I am mostly learning there has to do with being grounded in and present to my body. While practicing my tools, I am enjoying my […]
How to keep an angel journal
July 10, 2012
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by Josephine M. Joseph — I believe in angels and talk with them all the time. They always answer me. Sometimes the answers are verbal; often they come via my angel diary. I believe angels are very present on the planet, and with a little effort and intention we can connect with them. Some of […]
Selenite: Star gate to higher awareness
February 26, 2012
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by Karyn Diane Kish — Selenite is a crystal of ancient times. It is named after Selene, the Greek goddess of the full moon. The pale-bluish, moon-like reflections in some of the first specimens gave rise to its name. Selenite is a transparent variety of crystallized gypsum. The crystals have a linear structure, forming in […]
True guidance through prayer and meditation
February 25, 2012
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by Ada Porat — Have you ever received guidance from someone about what is going to happen in your life and then it did not pan out? Perhaps you were guided to write a book or start a Web site and then everything stalled. Did it leave you wondering what really happened there? If you […]
Containing our reactors in a meltdown situation
February 24, 2012
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by Scott Kalechstein Grace — What do you think spreads and kills faster — radioactivity coming from a meltdown at a power plant or mushroom clouds of fear coming from a mind that has forgotten its power source? Learning to contain and cool down our ego reactors with the healing waters of love, safety and […]
Love: When is it real, when is it an illusion?
February 23, 2012
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by Austin Vickers — Lots of illusions about love exist. I know that I am often confused. Someone tells me they love me, but then acts in a way that clearly does not have my best interests at heart. Sometimes I am the one doing the talking and then notice that my actions do not […]
October 29, 2013
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