Natural Remedies for Inflammation by Christopher Vasey, N.D. — Anti-inflammatory drugs are now the top-selling pharmaceuticals in the world, but daily use of these powerful drugs comes with side effects, many of which can lead to other chronic conditions and further use of the medications. In this practical guide to natural remedies for inflammation, Vasey explores […]
Tag Archives: inflammation
Our immune systems are not so immune anymore
June 20, 2014
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Our immune systems are not so immune anymore by Debbie Williams — It is thrilling to see more people reading labels at the grocery store. People are becoming aware that the food and drinks touted as “healthy” might, in fact, be anything but. Grains, sugars (especially high-fructose corn syrup), the bad oils and preservatives are […]
Lessons from a vacation gone bad
April 21, 2014
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Lessons from a vacation gone bad by Debbie Williams — Imagine that you had planned the perfect vacation for you and yours. How would you deal with that vacation if it turned into a nightmare? My story is just that — how my perfect vacation turned into a nightmare because of a bug bite. Something […]
Inflammation — a silent killer
December 27, 2013
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by Paula Owens — The three killer insults on the body are: oxidation, autoimmunity and inflammation. Some level of inflammation is needed for tissue and wounds to heal from infections and injuries; however, when the inflammatory response becomes chronic, problems occur. Chronic inflammation is unseen by the eye and is a silent killer that accelerates […]
Neural prolotherapy
August 26, 2013
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by Dr. Fred G. Arnold — Neural prolotherapy is a new, exciting breakthrough in the treatment of pain, developed by John Lyftgoft, M.D., a New Zealand physician. Neural prolotherapy combines the treatment principles of both neural therapy and prolotherapy. As in neural therapy, shallow, subcutaneous injections are made along the path of superficial nerves and, […]
Steroid vs. regenerative medicine injections
June 13, 2013
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by Dr. Fred G. Arnold — Standard of care is defined as the appropriate medical treatment based on scientific evidence and collaboration between the medical professionals involved in the treatment of a given condition. For the treatment of painful musculoskeletal conditions, steroid injections, such as cortisone injections, are considered the standard of care by many […]
One man’s food is another man’s poison
June 12, 2013
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by Dr. Paul Stallone — For a quick and healthy dinner, you decide to bake some salmon, steam asparagus and toss a simple green salad. Nothing fancy, but this meal gets the job done with zero guilt; in fact, you feel rather good about serving it. Three days later you get a migraine. You probably […]
Food sensitivities and leaky gut
June 4, 2013
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by Dr. Denise Grobe — Leaky gut syndrome and food sensitivities may be the answer to many cause-unknown type illnesses. They may also explain many of the symptoms patients have that confound and confuse some conventional physicians. Our bodies’ responses to the foods we eat are an integral part of our overall health — they […]
Trimethylglycine (TMG) to the Rescue
June 1, 2013
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by Dr. Larry Wilson — Many people believe or were taught that diet alone provides adequate nutrition and that we do not need to take nutritional supplements. I, too, believed this at one time. However, years of experience as a physician proved me wrong. Our food supply today is low in nutrients — even the […]
Fibromyalgia, fibrin and proteolytic enzymes
May 26, 2013
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by Betsy Timmerman — It has long been known that people with chronic muscle pain or fibromyalgia have more fibrin in their tissues and blood. This fibrin, while initially helpful in the early stages of healing after an injury, can become problematic if the body does not clear itself of the agent after it has […]
Seven steps for back pain relief
February 24, 2013
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by Dr. Julie Gorman — Pain is your body’s alarm system telling you something is wrong. While medications often can provide temporary relief, they do not address the underlying causes of the pain. In addition, they often have unwanted side effects, such as liver damage and stomach ulcers. Dealing with pain can be difficult, but […]
Myofascial release to melt frozen shoulder
September 4, 2012
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by Maria Troia — Frozen shoulder, clinically known as adhesive capsulitis, is a state of stiffness in the shoulder that leads to decreased range of motion and pain in the glenohumeral joint, a ball and socket joint where the head of the humerus (the upper part of the arm) sits in a carved out area […]
Treating pain naturally
September 3, 2012
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by Victoria Bowmann — Pain is an all-consuming feeling — even when it is minor and especially when you are the one experiencing the pain. Worse still is severe or chronic pain that stems from kidney stones, cancer or any other debilitating illness. Consider yourself fortunate if you never have to experience such serious suffering. […]
February 17, 2015
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