by Linda Crider — When Dr. Edward Bach was in the process of creating his 38 flower remedy healing system, he relied heavily on his keen intuition and insight into human nature. He also believed that the appearance of a plant often presents clues as to how it might benefit people. This is certainly the […]
Tag Archives: Linda Crider
Heather and the art of listening
May 31, 2013
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by Linda Crider — Dr. Edward Bach relied heavily on his keen awareness of human nature when he put together his 38 flower-remedy healing system during the early part of the 20th century. While attending social events, or just making regular visits to the local pub, he would quietly observe those around him. His sincere […]
Restore hope with Gorse
March 21, 2013
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by Linda Crider — Gorse is a bright yellow flower that was once described by Dr. Edward Bach as “sunshine in a bottle.” Bach included the flower essence made from this hardy botanical in his system of 38 flower remedies. Along with its uplifting color, the gorse plant is an abundantly growing shrub that consistently […]
Gentian for a positive outlook
February 18, 2013
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by Linda Crider — When Dr. Edward Bach put his 38 flower essence healing system together, he included the Gentian plant as one of what he called the “happy fellows of the plant world.” If it were possible to get a dose of encouragement from a bottle, taking Gentian would be the way to do […]
Elm for overwhelm
December 15, 2012
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by Linda Crider — A common complaint these days is that there is just too much to do and not enough time to do it in. Many of us fit in this category, and fortunately, Dr. Edward Bach anticipated such a state and included the essence of Elm in his 38 flower-remedy healing system. Interestingly, […]
Emotional cleansing with Crab Apple
September 3, 2012
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by Linda Crider — Most of us would agree that our once relatively safe environment is now a questionable one. Radiation leaks, genetically modified foods, mysterious bacterial infections and a host of other negative energies threaten our sense of well-being. Some of us might even feel contaminated by simply breathing. We are all grasping to […]
Stay focused with Clematis
August 12, 2012
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by Linda Crider — Sixteenth-century herbalist John Gerard aptly gave the clematis plant its common name, “traveller’s joy.” This botanical is an attractive, far-reaching vine that frequently appears along roadsides in the United Kingdom. Interestingly enough, the flower remedy from this plant is used to stabilize those who, as one practitioner writes, “travel between the […]
Chicory for unconditional love
April 12, 2012
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by Linda Crider — Dr. Edward Bach divided the 38 plants in his system of natural healing into seven categories. One of these includes flower remedies for those who are overly concerned with the welfare of others. The essence of Chicory falls into this group, as it is the remedy for people who feel they […]
Learn your lessons with Chestnut Bud
March 1, 2012
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by Linda Crider — Insanity is often defined as repeating the same negative actions and expecting different results. Some of us learn from experience the first time, while others appear to require numerous courses from the proverbial “school of hard knocks.” For those locked in this continuous cycle, Dr. Edward Bach included the essence of […]
Bach Flower Essences — they are all about energy
February 25, 2012
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by Linda Crider — When people are first introduced to flower essence therapy, many confuse it with other botanical healing modalities, such as herbal remedies or aromatherapy. In fact, flower essences can bring you to a more peaceful state of mind in much the same way as meditation and yoga. For those just learning about […]
Bach Flower Remedies: Agrimony for a positive but realistic outlook
February 24, 2012
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by Linda Crider — One important quality that distinguished Dr. Edward Bach from other physicians of his day was the attention he paid to human emotions and personality traits. While his contemporaries in the 1920s were busy treating the physical symptoms of disease, Bach spent his time observing human behavior and noting how plant energy […]
Bach Flower Remedies: Ease anxiety with Aspen
February 24, 2012
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by Linda Crider — Dr. Edward Bach discovered his natural healing system consisting of 38 individual flower essences more than 80 years ago. As a conventionally trained physician, he was quite ahead of his time in focusing on the importance of personality and emotional health. He once commented, “Science is tending to show that life […]
Beech: the flower remedy for tolerance
February 24, 2012
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by Linda Crider — When Dr. Edward Bach was developing his system of natural healing, he did not concern himself entirely with the symptoms presented by those who came to him for medical assistance. Instead, one of the key elements of Bach’s work was the consideration given to his patients’ diverse personalities and fluctuating moods. […]
June 17, 2013
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