Tag Archives: MS

Flu season — what flu season?

March 20, 2013

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by Debbie Williams —  It seems like flu is everywhere. People are coughing, blowing and sneezing. Even people who got the flu shot are getting sick. The media claim that this flu season is the worst in years. Hmmm. It seems like we heard that last year too, did we not? Then we are barraged […]

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Healing with sound

September 9, 2012

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by Sunanda Harrell-Stokes —  Every cell in our body is a sound resonator. Every cell lives in a rhythmic pattern. Each organ has its own cycle and its own pulse. Each system has a cycle, rhythm, pattern and pulse. We exist in a world of vibration. Sound healing seeks to harmonize, balance and reconnect the […]

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Molds and vaccinations: Recipes for disaster

July 31, 2012

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by Dr. Steven Siegel —  You might be wondering what molds and vaccines could possibly have in common. The answer is that they both contain remnant, residual byproducts called biotoxins that can continue to recirculate in the body, eliciting an immune response. In fact, it’s not an immune deficiency that most people assume underlies their […]

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Hyperbaric oxygen therapy helps so many

July 22, 2012

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by Dr. Justin Wight —  Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), which uses oxygen saturation within a hyperbaric chamber, was originally designed to help safely eliminate oxygen bubbles from the blood of divers who had surfaced too quickly. Now these submarine-like chambers can be found nationwide in hospitals and clinics because of their numerous additional medical applications. […]

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