One nation under trauma by P.D. Alleva — We do not have to look far to notice the vast amount of negativity that surrounds us on a daily and consistent basis. Any one of us over the age of 15 can recount the events of September 11, 2001, or other traumas that have taken place […]
Tag Archives: negative emotions
Diminishing anger
January 28, 2014
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by Gary Rinebarger — Anger, the intense feeling of displeasure, is the most common negative emotion that people experience. Mentally, an angry person is unable to think rationally or perceive reality. As the intensity of anger increases, a person’s level of objectivity decreases. This is why chronically angry individuals fail in their many attempts at […]
Healing your animals’ fears and other negative emotions
September 19, 2013
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by Barbara J. Paster — We can help our animals heal negative emotions and live better, happier lives. Expressing our love and compassion to them just a few minutes a day is one easy way to help them feel happier and healthier. Animals are connected to us on deep emotional levels. They always feel what […]
Chronic illness and wellness
June 3, 2013
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by Richard Cheu — Wellness for chronically ill people is not an oxymoron — it is an achievable goal. Last year, 140 million Americans, or 46 percent of the population, suffered from a chronic condition. By 2030, it is projected that more than half of all Americans will be chronically ill, according to the Robert […]
Cellular memory
March 11, 2013
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by Nancy Beauchamp — Cellular memory was first studied and documented in anecdotal reports of organ recipients. Studies have shown that recipients have experienced behaviors, personality traits, food cravings or interests they had not experienced in their lives before the transplants. Every disturbance of the body, either real or imagined, evokes a stress response. The […]
Past life energies in relationships
February 25, 2013
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by Rochelle Sparrow — What type of a relationship are you in? Does your partner validate your emotions and help support who you are? Are you with someone who enriches your life? If not, why not? Answering these questions can often be a complex process of recognizing energies we are holding from past lives that […]
Self-leadership for spiritual growth and happiness
January 12, 2013
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by Patricia Raya — Most of us, in one capacity or another, have been involved with or taken a workshop on leadership development. Typically, participants are taught strategies for communication, team development, motivation, conflict resolution and vision planning. All of this is helpful; I have been teaching those strategies for 30 years. However, there is […]
Dating: The good, bad and the valued
November 16, 2012
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by Dr. John F. Demartini — Did you know that in the center of positively and negatively charged particles is a point of light? The same is true for relationships — between positive and negative emotions you will find a similar center point of light, something also known as love. Dating singles often seek a […]
A magnet for love
October 17, 2012
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by Eva-Maria Mora — In the Western world, we are so used to consuming, buying and ordering the things we want. Even if we cannot afford them, we have an easy solution: we just put everything on the credit card. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to buy something that brings love and happiness […]
Eye-catching therapy: EMDR goes mainstream
August 19, 2012
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by Kayla Gayle, Ph.D. — It had been almost six months since the accident, and Elizabeth found herself getting worse. She had been unable to stop the obsessive thoughts since that fateful day the truck slammed into her car. She was still hearing the sound of screeching tires and shattering glass from the accident. As […]
Spying on subconscious feelings
August 15, 2012
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by Jill Mattson — We spend our formative years in school developing our rational minds, but our emotions receive no formal attention. High divorce rates, job loss, employment stress, accidents, deaths, personal struggles, changing hormones, financial problems and health issues can challenge anyone’s emotional health. Yet, as a society, we stubbornly treat the development of […]
The miracle of self-healing
July 24, 2012
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by Master Stephen Co — While mainstream medicine has been slow — and often outright reluctant — to accept the principles of energy medicine, some medical researchers have conducted experiments that support its basic tenets. Several fascinating investigations into the regeneration ability of simple, less-evolved life forms strongly support the notion of an energetic template. […]
Energy healing for the heart
July 19, 2012
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by Khayriyyah Savannah — When the heart needs healing, love and joy are the best medicine. Who can dispute the loving touch of a mother’s hand as the original healing modality? What brings us back to wholeness in body, mind and spirit is that which heals the heart. Beyond high cholesterol and blood pressure levels, […]
August 10, 2015
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