by John English — Editor’s Note: This is the second in a four-part series on the directions of the medicine wheel in Incan shamanism. The student of Incan shamanism begins with the serpent path in the south, where she or he sheds their past and programming like the serpent sheds her skin. The west direction […]
Tag Archives: perception
Judgment — the journey to nowhere
February 16, 2013
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by Sherry Anshara — Have you ever considered how judgment affects and influences your life? Consider this: Every time you judge others, you subconsciously are judging some aspect of yourself. Knowing this, why would you continue to make judgments about others? Judgment diminishes your own self-worth while also giving you an excuse to project invalidation […]
What in the world is going on?
November 25, 2012
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by Mary Bell — Many changes are happening in our world. We see it in the outside world, as the stock market changes, businesses fail and layoffs occur. We are also experiencing internal changes, whether we recognize it or not. Old form is falling away as new form is being created. Metaphysically, we are all […]
Choosing the right lens
July 22, 2012
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by Kim Seiferth — Are you viewing life through frosted windows or rose-colored glasses? This is another way of asking ourselves whether the glass is half empty or half full, or if the grass is greener on the other side. How we choose to experience our world is all about perception, and we always determine […]
The mystery of perception
March 5, 2012
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by John English — Did you know that mystics, sages and people of wisdom have been studying perception for eons? Despite all this time and effort, though, perception is still a mystery of almost unimaginable proportion. It involves consciousness, awareness, energy, power and duality. Without duality there could be no perception. Quantum physics has even […]
Of elephants, people and perception
February 26, 2012
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by John Freedom — Most of us are familiar with the adage, “Seeing is believing.” We tend to believe that what we see is how it is. This is also true with regard to perception, as in the story of the five blind men and the elephant, wherein each of the five blind men erroneously […]
Medical Marijuana
February 26, 2012
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by Dr. Larry Wilson — In November 2010, voters will decide whether to legalize medical marijuana in Arizona, but is it safe for our state? This article presents facts not found in most news reports that will help you make an informed decision on this important issue. What marijuana is and how it is used […]
Course corrections
February 24, 2012
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by John Freedom — Have you taken stock of your life lately? Have you looked back over the old year, and started to survey a promise of the future? As you look ahead and peer into your crystal ball to see what lies ahead, what do you see for yourself? Where are you headed? And […]
Yoga — beyond the boundaries
February 23, 2012
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by Khayriyyah Savannah — Yoga invites you to move beyond the boundaries of your perceptions. A recent article in The Wall Street Journal (Oct. 25, 2011) seems to question whether there are benefits to yoga beyond the physical. The article cites a study that states, “The physical aspects of yoga are effective at relieving low […]
September 9, 2013
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