Plant Spirit Healing: A Guide to Working with Plant Consciousness by Pam Montgomery — Montgomery offers an understanding of the origins of disease and the therapeutic use of plant spirits to bring balance and healing to the body and offers a process engaging heart, soul and spirit which she calls the triple spiral path. In […]
Tag Archives: plants
Homeopathic remedies for plants
September 16, 2014
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Homeopathic remedies for plants by Dannette Hunnel — It is autumn in Arizona, probably the most exciting time of the year for the Southwestern gardener. Phoenix favorites include mums, snapdragons, petunias, pansies, marigolds, geraniums and more. Once they are established, we know we can enjoy the beauty of our plantings well into late spring. How […]
Affordable herbs – dry them yourself
April 12, 2012
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Herbs are a great way to flavor almost any food, but buying them at the store can be expensive. A more cost-effective option is to grow your own. If you have good soil located in a sunny spot or some planters, you can grow your own herbs at home. Choose and plant the herbs that […]
Trees and plants bring balance to your home
February 24, 2012
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by Joy Abrams — Spring brings the beauty of nature to our thoughts. In the Five Elements Theory of feng shui, the wood element is represented by trees and plants. They are needed to correct imbalances of energy outside your home. Your feng shui master can help bring balance to you and your space. Here […]
“Scentsational” summer mists
February 23, 2012
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by Carol E. Gutierrez — With these blistering hot summer days, keeping cool and refreshed is on everyone’s mind. Hydrosols are a light, cool, refreshing and natural way to get comfortable. Plant hydrosols are the end product of the distillation process of essential oils from aromatic plants. Low concentrations of essential oils are dissolved in […]
The joy of using plants and trees
February 23, 2012
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by Joy Abrams — Plants, flowers and trees are more than just food or foliage. They represent symbols of growth and prosperity that lift the spirits, reduce stress and provide natural protection from air and noise pollution. When plants are used indoors, they are an invaluable feng shui remedy for ramping up energy levels. Feng […]
Desert flower essences
February 23, 2012
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by Wayne Purdin — Naturopaths have studied the healing properties of plants for decades. In the 1930s, Dr. Edward Bach derived dozens of flower remedies to heal emotional and spiritual conditions. Rather than use investigative research and experimentation based on the scientific method, Bach used his own intuition to derive his flower remedies. If Bach […]
August 2, 2015
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