Tag Archives: relaxation techniques

Cure headaches without aspirin

November 15, 2013

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by Toffler Niemuth —  How many times a week do you get a headache? And of those times, how often did you pop some aspirin or ibuprofen to get instant relief? While it may not seem like a big deal, over time, taking those pills comes with its own side effects and health risks, including […]

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Help for handling stress

August 21, 2013

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by Ada Porat — Are you getting your seven hours of free time a day? According to new research from Direct Line Insurance, seven hours — or six hours 59 minutes to be precise — is the minimum we need for a perfect work/life balance. The reality, of course, is a different matter. On average, […]

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The energetic component of fertility

November 10, 2012

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by Nancy Beauchamp —  Some things in life are free. Most things we put our minds to we can accomplish. One very important exception seems to be parenthood. Couples who long for a child but are unable to conceive can be stymied about what to do to accomplish their hearts’ desire. Allopathic medicine proposes many […]

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Sitting in the silence

September 4, 2012

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by Khayriyyah Savannah — Visiting my sister’s home deep in the woods of Eugene, Ore., high on the simple purity of fresh clean air, my being is instantaneously imbued with a deep and resounding peace I call “the silence.” Brimming with the vibrational resonance of nature, it is Earth singing. I can feel my whole […]

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