Tag Archives: Rife machines

Lyme disease and Rife machines

March 5, 2012

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by Brenda Haas-Krieger —  Lyme disease is a seriously complex multi-system, inflammatory disease caused by Borrelia burgdorferi, spirochete bacteria similar to that which causes syphilis. Both Lyme and syphilis are called the great imitators because their symptoms mimic so many other diseases. Chronic cases of Lyme, cases that persist many months and years after the […]

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Dr. Rife’s world was so different than ours

February 27, 2012

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by Brenda Haas-Krieger —  Dr. Royal Rife was an inventor who, in the 1930s, proved that microorganisms, including cancer, can be readily destroyed through the use of frequencies. He had truly discovered a cure for cancer and was hounded to his death because of it. Rife machines still exist. But today, curing cancer also requires […]

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