The work of a shaman by Joey M. Joseph — Shamans work with Earth’s energy; they recognize the life force in nature and understand the essence of the powers they possess. Their developed spiritual sight has trained them to seek answers in the invisible world that interconnects all living things. They draw upon the relationships […]
Tag Archives: shamanism
Projection vs. perception
September 9, 2013
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by John English — Editor’s Note: This is the second in a four-part series on the directions of the medicine wheel in Incan shamanism. The student of Incan shamanism begins with the serpent path in the south, where she or he sheds their past and programming like the serpent sheds her skin. The west direction […]
Developing power and healing through shamanic journeying
September 20, 2012
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by Josephine M. Joseph — Shamanic journeying is an ancient art used by indigenous peoples for centuries. Shamans used it as a tool to gain access to other dimensions for the purpose of healing and receiving guidance. Journeying has been popularized these last few years, as awareness has grown with the understanding that dimensional reality […]
Becoming a Reiki master
March 5, 2012
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by Josephine M. Joseph — Reiki is a vibrational healing modality that has become popular in recent years. Those who practice Reiki understand the power of its essence to stimulate growth and self-awareness. It opens us to experience a higher purpose of being — one based on unconditional love. What does it mean to be […]
Awakening the shaman within
February 26, 2012
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The dictionary defines a shaman as a spiritual leader who is believed to have special powers, such as prophecy and the ability to heal. All beings possess that power, by Josephine M. Joseph Shamanism is a vast body of knowledge that indigenous cultures accept as a natural source of healing. It has grown in popularity, […]
January 2, 2016
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