by Kathy Balland — Successful weight management goes beyond simply what you eat. It all really comes down to your thoughts and feelings. By focusing on positive thoughts and emotions, you can attract their future vision of yourself. The following tools can help you make positive changes, such as weight management: affirmations, a gratitude journal, […]
Tag Archives: vision board
Clearing out the weight
September 10, 2012
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by Kathy Balland — From time to time, people get that urge to do some cleaning and clearing out — not only in their homes, but in their lives as well. Do you feel surrounded by clutter? Is it getting a little too dusty in your world? Sometimes people discover that when they begin to […]
The inspirational home
September 9, 2012
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by Terry Prince Sims — Many of us are familiar with the law of attraction. We monitor our thoughts to keep them positive; we make sure we are feeling good; and we stay focused on what we intend to attract. Yet, is our environment supporting all this effort? With so many distractions every day, it […]
October 5, 2012
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