by Marilyn Eisenberg — The fundamental need to exchange meaning and share human experience is the special province of the language arts. All people share this need, including students, who learn language best when it is frequently addressed in their schooling and when they are invited to explore it effectively through literature. Language arts form […]
Tag Archives: writing
17 tips on keeping a journal or diary
February 27, 2013
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by Doreene Clement — Whether you already keep a journal or want to start, here are some ideas and tips to help you with your journaling. 1. New to keeping a journal? Start with writing, “Today, I am grateful for …” and fill in the blank with what you are grateful for. 2. Write in […]
Want to be a better writer? Become a better reader
October 8, 2012
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by Laura Orsini — Every craft takes practice. The best athletes spend hours on the court, the ice, the field. Gourmet chefs take days, weeks, months to perfect a single recipe. So it stands to reason that in order to become a better writer, you should practice by writing every day. However, it takes more […]
How to keep an angel journal
July 10, 2012
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by Josephine M. Joseph — I believe in angels and talk with them all the time. They always answer me. Sometimes the answers are verbal; often they come via my angel diary. I believe angels are very present on the planet, and with a little effort and intention we can connect with them. Some of […]
Who said self-improvement is easy?
February 27, 2012
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by Irene Conlan — Who said self-improvement is easy? Well, it is and it is not. If your improvement program consists of losing five pounds or getting a new hair style, it is easy. But making those deep inner changes that draw you nearer to happiness, contentment and success may be more of a challenge. […]
Important self-improvement tools
February 26, 2012
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by Irene Conlan — Someone asked me what I would consider the single most important tool for self-improvement. Yikes! What a question. “I will have to get back to you on that,” I responded, knowing that I would need to wrestle with it for a while before answering. Below are some of my ideas. Meditation […]
A new friend
February 24, 2012
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by Sue Meyn — We hear so much about the value of journaling today, including research that shows it improves immune system functioning and reduces blood pressure. Journal writing seems like such a simple endeavor, but many find it hard to begin or to sustain. You could compare getting started keeping a journal to starting […]
September 23, 2013
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