Expressing true gratitude is not maudlin or superficial. It involves a genuine eye-to-eye or heart-to-heart connection.
by Ada Porat —
How much time do you spend feeling genuine gratitude? We often notice what does not work in our lives or relationships, and we tend to ignore the brilliant parts that do work.
The simple attitude of gratitude is one of the most powerful creative energies. Energy flows to whatever you focus on and brings more of it. For instance, if you want more love in your life, you can make it happen by expressing gratitude for the blessings you already have.
In fact, you can give the world no greater gift than to focus on gratitude and let your relationships blossom through your genuine appreciation.
Expressing true gratitude is not maudlin or superficial. It involves a genuine eye-to-eye or heart-to-heart connection. In other words, gratitude is appreciation that is delivered with real meaning rather than perfunctory mumblings or syrupy platitudes.
Just think of all the things each day that you are grateful for, e.g., the smell of coffee to get you going in the morning, a warm shower, sunshine on your face, tantalizing flavors, the ability to breathe, walk and talk, or an unsolicited appreciation of your efforts.
Once you start noticing the beauty of life around you, gratitude expands and creates more of what you focus on. You can use the same approach to develop renewed appreciation for the people in your life.
Why not take a few moments today to consider all the relationships you are grateful for? Reflect on the qualities you appreciate in each of your relatives and friends — the smile on a child’s face, the hug of a loved one or the spontaneous playfulness of a friend.
Do you appreciate these things? Then show your gratitude and appreciate the abundance of good in your life. Better yet, write a note of gratitude to the people who have touched your life. Express what you love about them and how it makes you feel. You will add meaning to their lives while strengthening your relationships.
Ada Porat is an energy kinesiologist and life coach who helps people live their best life. 602-283-4628 or www.AdaPorat.com.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 30, Number 1, Feb/Mar 2011.
February 24, 2012
Emotional Wellness and Well-being, Gratitude, Relationships