As long as you are alive in your body, you cannot separate the three aspects of being, doing and having.
by Dr. John Demartini —
Never underestimate the power of an inspired, soul-directed vision; it is the most powerful resource you have access to. If you practice and refine your ability to tune into your vision, impossible things can happen. The rewards far outweigh the time and energy spent.
While there are many people who pay lip service to the idea of a vision, no one else in this world can create one for you.
Fulfilling goals throughout your life will encourage you, but an inspiring vision will give meaning to your achievements. Without a great purpose and vision, great events, accomplishments and financial resources are unlikely to arise in your life. If you do not have a purpose greater than your physical life, you probably will not have any impact beyond it.
If you would love to make a difference in yourself, you had better have a vision at least as big as your family. If you would love to make a difference in your family, you had better have a vision as big as your city. If you would love to make a difference in your city, your vision must be as big as your state. If you would love to make a difference in your state, you had better have a vision as big as your nation. If you would love to make a difference in your nation, you had better have a vision as grand as the world. And if you would love to have a global impact, you had better have an immortal vision. Once your vision comes from a greater horizon, the impact of your product, service or idea fills the realms below.
A person with a vision has a message, and when you find that message, your business, your wealth and your life will boom. When you cannot wait to share your message with people, they cannot wait to hear you. You will face trials and tribulations along the road to your dreams, but what else will you do with your life? Do not let anything on the inside or the outside keep you from your dream, because your dream is your life.
If you do not have anything and do not do anything, you will be unable to avoid feeling less worthy. There is a model in psychology that says nothing matters but your being who you are — and it has nothing to do with what you do or have. That model is misguided idealism. If you put someone in a state of just “being” by taking away all their “doings” and “havings,” you will see that as they fall in society, they will also descend in self-image and self-worth.
As long as you are alive in your body, you cannot separate the three aspects of being, doing and having. That is because your service to the world (production) and what you are willing to receive for it (compensation) combine to make up who you are. Life is designed to make sure you express your unique talents and find fulfillment.
I have been exploring human consciousness for more than 31 years, and I am convinced that there is an immortal part inside of you that calls, directs and pulls you to do something amazing with your life. It might be writing words that will change people’s lives, creating music that moves them, committing yourself to a cause that will truly make a difference, finding a cure for humankind’s physical or social ills, making a beautiful home or garden, or raising a family with such love and wisdom that the world is a greater place because your children are in it.
Whatever it may be, there is a magnificent mission in everyone, regardless of age. The vitality in every human being is directly proportionate to the vividness of his or her vision. One of the great joys in life is knowing that you are of service and producing something of value.
Dr. John F. Demartini is the author of Count Your Blessings, The Healing Power of Gratitude and Love and The Breakthrough Experience: A Revolutionary New Approach to Personal Transformation. He is the founder of the Concourse of Wisdom School of Self-Mastery and Leadership and the creator of “The Breakthrough Experience.” 888-DEMARTINI or www.drdemartini.com
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 24, Number 6, December 2005/January 2006.
May 16, 2013
Business, Career and employment, Goals, Lifestyle, Love, Relationships, Spiritual, Philosophical and Metaphysical