The world’s largest medicine-free hospital

ZhiNeng QiGong has become the most practiced qigong system in the world. It is calculated that more than 13 million people are practicing ZhiNeng QiGong around the globe.
by Eduardo Garcia Osegueda —
Imagine a hospital that uses no drugs as it treats 3,000 to 5,000 people every 24 days. Imagine how much scrutiny this hospital must undergo, being closely observed by respected scientists from around the world. Imagine how surprised the scientists must be to learn that this hospital’s treatment program results in a 95-percent rate of effectiveness in improving health.
This hospital has existed for 15 years in China and is called the ZhiNeng QiGong (pronounced Chi Neng ChiKung) Center. In the Center there are no patients, only students. People learn to help themselves, rather than depending on others; they receive the healing tools and learn how to use them.
The work is focused on the practitioner and the qi, not on the illness. With enough practice, every disorder responds to treatment, regardless of its cause or severity. More than 450 conditions commonly treated at the hospital with great success include cancer, cardiovascular problems, sclerosis, arthritis, immune system disorders, chronic pathologies, glandular disorders, depression and even illnesses unknown to modern science or that have gone undiagnosed by regular doctors.
ZhiNeng QiGong has become the most practiced qigong system in the world. It is calculated that more than 13 million people are practicing ZhiNeng QiGong around the globe. In addition to the healing work, the Center conducts a continuous research program in which scientists from many specializations are invited to study and experiment with the effects of ZhiNeng QiGong.
Among the thousands of different styles of qigong, only 11 are recognized by the Chinese government as based on truth, respect and science. Of the 11, ZhiNeng QiGong stands out for its amazingly high record of documented effectiveness. Not only has it become the most widely practiced and scientifically researched form of qigong in the world, but it is officially the most recommended qigong system in China.
Although precise translation from the Chinese language is subject to discussion, an approximate meaning for ZhiNeng QiGong is “method to work with qi in order to develop the talent of wisdom” (wisdom, as it is applied to the body, mind, emotions and spirit).
ZhiNeng QiGong was developed by a true master, sage, scientist and visionary who inherited the ancient tradition of deep qigong with a generous and devoted spirit of service. One of the most outstanding scientists in his country, Master Pang Ming is the highest authority on qigong in China and is now considered to be a living treasure.
Still a polemic issue, ZhiNeng QiGong is already considered a formal science by an important sector of the scientific community. Master Pang was able to synthesize the deep complexity of ancient qigong into a new science that is completely safe, effective and simple. This new application allows the practitioner to evolve through study on his or her own, without depending on the teacher.
Eduardo Garcia Osegueda currently resides in Mexico City and travels the world to teach ZhiNeng QiGong.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 23, Number 1, February/March 2005.
January 23, 2015
Featured, February/March 2005 Issue, Health, Qigong