Whatever you are experiencing in your life is a direct result of the thoughts you repeatedly play through your mind.
by Lori Keeley —
Did you know that your thoughts create your reality? Whatever you are experiencing in your life is a direct result of the thoughts you repeatedly play through your mind. Our thoughts are real energies which manifest our lives and reality. Whatever we focus on is what we create.
Take the time to stop throughout your day and pay attention to what you are focusing on. Are your thoughts positive or negative? Are you focusing on what you want to create or on what you have already created for yourself? Or are you wasting time worrying about what you do not have?
The key to creating positive changes in your life is to consciously make an effort to focus on what you want to create in your life, versus what you have already created.
Many modalities are available to help you release negative thoughts and lift your life to new levels of fulfillment. Some of these might include hypnosis, spiritual growth counseling, massage and bodywork, taking a walk in nature, or observing small children or animals.
Lori Keeley is a hypnotherapist, Reiki master teacher and administrator of the holistic healing department at Carmel Community Center. Healwithlori.com, [email protected] or 480-332-9190.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 26, Number 2, April/May 2007.
October 6, 2012
Bodywork, Exercise, Hypnosis, Pets, Self-improvement, Spiritual