Why ask a personal trainer, not a doctor, about exercise?

September 17, 2012

Exercise, Healing, Health, Self-improvement

In reality, doctors do not have the time to invest in learning about the complete mechanics of exercise.

by Scott White — 

You would never ask your hairstylist to diagnose a mechanical problem on your car, would you? Of course not, unless they were also a certified mechanic on the side. Why, then, ask your doctor about exercise, when his or her line of work is the diagnosis and treatment of illness and disease?

To be sure, doctors are becoming more and more aware of the benefits of exercise in helping their patients improve their health. But they must split their limited time between treating patients and keeping abreast of new developments in medicines and treatments to help fight disease. In reality, doctors do not have the time to invest in learning about the complete mechanics of exercise.

Therefore, does it not make more sense that the ideal specialist with whom to have an in-depth discussion on exercise and how it can benefit your health would be a personal trainer?

A well-qualified personal trainer has spent an extensive amount of time learning all about exercise — how different exercises are done, how to target specific areas of the body with exercise, how to avoid injuries, the structures of the body and how they work together, how exercise can help the body work more efficiently, the body-mind connection for complete health and more.

A good personal trainer carries certifications indicating their achievements and can demonstrate high-level understanding about the various aspects of exercise and what exercise can mean to a person’s overall health.

As a result, he or she has the expertise to guide you through the proper “mechanics” of various forms of exercise, to not only reduce your risk of becoming injured, but to increase the benefits from correctly performed exercises. Trainers also have insight, gained from working with different people with differing needs, from which to draw upon to help you get past any stumbling blocks that may keep you from maximizing your health.

Personal trainers are also knowledgeable about the physical limitations of many conditions and can tailor exercises to those limitations so that health gains are still possible. Personal trainers can be quite empathetic to the plight of the overweight person who has not exercised in a long time, but who has decided to lose weight and improve their health.

Doctors keep themselves informed about the latest research and developments in the treatment of disease and illness; personal trainers keep themselves informed about the latest trends in exercise and exercise equipment. A personal trainer can warn you about the newest fads that have great fanfare but empty promises, before you endanger your wallet and your health by trying to follow them.

A personal trainer provides the one-on-one instruction and attention most of us need to move toward excellent, permanent health. The expert knowledge and guidance that can be added to your workouts are invaluable. You can achieve more benefits from the time you spend exercising and working toward your health and fitness goals by consulting with a trainer than you can with just about anyone else.

If you have a bad case of the flu, a broken bone or a medical concern, seek treatment from your doctor. If you have a question about the best exercise routines for maximizing your health and fitness, consult a personal trainer.


Scott White is a certified personal trainer and nutritionist in Scottsdale, Ariz. or or 480-628-1607.

Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 26, Number 4, August/September 2007.

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