Working with the energies of autumn — the feng shui way

February 28, 2012

Diet, Feng shui, Home and Garden

In feng shui, a solid base of information called the five elements theory describes the energies of nature, seasons, attitudes and Chinese body systems.

by Luckie Bosselman — 

For thousands of years, wise men and women have used the natural energies or chi of each season, not only to support and enhance their lives, but also to make the positive changes they desire.

In feng shui, a solid base of information called the five elements theory describes the energies of nature, seasons, attitudes and Chinese body systems. The ancient Chinese discovered that the world could be explained by using the five elements of creation as building blocks in the physical world. Utilizing them — Fire, Water, Wood, Metal and Earth — can bring balance and harmony to each season of the year. Used effectively, they can help you make positive energetic adjustments to your environment.

Autumn, the Metal time of the year, is about gratitude, order, purification and boundaries. Thus, as we move from summer’s intense heat into the more mellow and introspective energies of autumn, this is the most beneficial time of year to clear clutter from your home.

This introspective energy asks us to evaluate and clear out old energies in both our homes and our bodies. Take time for quiet reflection and gratitude. Look at your current eating habits and, if necessary, begin a gentle fast that will clear and prepare the body for the more substantial foods of winter.

Your home is the reflection of your current state of mind and energy. If you are having problems with your relationship boundaries, this may be a reflection of a weak Metal element in your home or your body.

A complete home energy assessment can help you find solutions to challenging issues including your health, abundance and relationships. You will feel all is well when the energy or chi begins to flow more smoothly.


Luckie Bosselman is the owner of Ancient Ways Professional Feng Shui and is a consultant and speaker, and teaches feng shui classes. Her background includes interior design, holistic health, Chinese astrology, and Native American and Peruvian shamanism. 602-996-6934 or

Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 28, Number  5, Oct/Nov 2009.

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