High EMFs can produce sleep disturbances, nervousness, allergies and fatigue. Fortunately, in cases where EMFs have been eliminated, many of these problems have also been resolved.
by Joy Abrams —
While many understand that feng shui is concerned with the flow of energy in space and how we resonate within this space, few realize that ignoring its precepts can negatively effect health. In principle, this idea is easy to grasp: If your space is not healthy, you will not feel well. Consequently, implementing a few basic feng shui concepts can eliminate sources of ill health as well as improving energy flow.
First, it’s important to remember that pollution comes in many forms. One pollution source that is commonly overlooked is electromagnetic fields (EMFs). Just as air and water pollution can cause disease, an overwhelming production of EMFs can impact your health heavily. The electric fields emitted by electric wiring, motors and grounding systems within a building can have implications for all people, but especially those who are already ill.
For example, high EMFs can produce sleep disturbances, nervousness, allergies and fatigue. Fortunately, in cases where EMFs have been eliminated, many of these problems have also been resolved.
The most important room in which to eliminate EMFs is your bedroom because this is the room where you rest and rejuvenate your body for six to eight hours each night. By simply eliminating your clock radio or changing to a battery-operated clock radio, you can eliminate some of the EMFs in your room. Other sources of exposure to EMFs are heating pads and electric blankets. If you must use a heating pad or electric blanket, use it only to warm the bed, and then unplug it. When a person is ill, it is essential to reduce the EMFs in the house as much as possible.
By combining knowledge of feng shui and electro-biology, a feng shui consultant will help you address not only the health of your space but the health of your body as well.
Joy Abrams, M.A., FSII, is feng shui consultant, international author and serves as a founding board and faculty member of the Feng Shui Institute International. She consults for corporations and individuals. 602-791-5223 or www.aaafengshuiandyoga.com.
Reprinted from AzNetNews.
May 5, 2013
Allergies, Chemical and Toxic Exposure, Emotional Wellness and Well-being, Environment, Fatigue, Feng shui, Healing, Health, Health Concerns