Hormones are powerful chemical messengers produced by your body that tell your cells what to do, and regulate every organ and major body system.
by Dr. Paul Stallone —
Many of us have heard or used the expression “Your hormones are out of whack.” Whether the reference was made about a spouse, friend, co-worker or even ourselves, we may wonder how much validity this slang-phrased statement truly carries. Quite a bit, actually.
Hormones are powerful chemical messengers produced by your body that tell your cells what to do, and regulate every organ and major body system. They affect everything from your ability to fall asleep to your moods, thinking ability, cholesterol level, response to stress and the speed at which you age.
As we age, hormone levels decline, creating a severe imbalance for many of us that may contribute to a number of the diseases associated with aging, including depression, osteoporosis, coronary artery disease, loss of libido and more.
Symptoms of hormone imbalance in women may include, but are not limited to, allergy symptoms, low sex drive, osteoporosis, weight gain, water retention, PMS, urinary tract infections, wrinkles, depression, fatigue, anxiety, endometriosis, fibrocystic breasts, hair loss and facial hair growth, headaches and dizziness.
Symptoms of hormone imbalance in men may include, but are not limited to, weight gain, mood swings, depression, hair loss, insomnia, dry and aging skin, muscle and bone loss, erectile dysfunction and breast formation.
Fortunately, there are ranges of tests available to determine if any of the aforementioned symptoms are a direct result of a hormone imbalance, as well as treatment options based on which course is most beneficial for an individual.
Through the use of blood and saliva tests, urine test kits and electrodermal screening (using the body’s own meridian system of vital energy to test and measure hormone levels), a clear picture may be painted of exactly what an individual needs.
The results of these various tests will determine if desensitizing/supplementing homeopathic drops are necessary or if a natural bio-identical approach is the best course. Regardless of the chosen method, the goal is the same: to restore the body’s hormones to a healthy, natural and youthful state.
Often, the synthetic (man-made) hormones that are prescribed may mimic the duties our hormones perform for our bodies. However, this is often short-lived and may create more health problems down the road. More physicians are now recommending bio-identical hormones — hormones that are chemically designed with the exact same molecules found naturally in our bodies.
Hormones are often at the center of any anti-aging medical discussion. No individual can halt the progression of time and its impact on the body, but he or she can concentrate on improving present health, preventing age-related disease and improving overall quality of life. This can be achieved by incorporating a healthy diet plan, exercise routine, nutritional supplementation and hormone restoration therapy.
Therefore, rather than saying someone’s hormones are out of whack, and accepting it as the norm, reach for your optimal level of health — regardless of your age. Reach for the healthy life you deserve to live.
Paul Stallone, N.M.D., founded the Arizona Integrative Medical Center in Scottsdale, Ariz. He combines natural, alternative and conventional treatments to best fit and benefit each individual patient’s needs. www.drstallone.com or 480-214-3922.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 27, Number 3, June/July 2008.
August 6, 2012
Anti-aging, Brain fog, Cholesterol, Depression, Energy / energetic medicine, Health, Heart disease, Homeopathy, Hormone replacement, Stress, Weight issues