Utilizing a neuromuscular biofeedback technique, the BodyTalk practitioner literally talks to the body, accessing its health priorities directly through the mind/body complex.
by Michael Davis and Jeff Goodman —
If you could contact the innate, inborn wisdom of your body, what would you ask it? Would you listen? BodyTalk provides just such an opportunity. Utilizing a neuromuscular biofeedback technique, the BodyTalk practitioner literally talks to the body, accessing its health priorities directly through the mind/body complex. Since the body is addressing the needs of its own healing system, the results are uniquely effective and permanent.
This revolutionary new energy medicine therapy has become the fastest growing healthcare system in the world. Invented by Australian Dr. John Velthiem in 1995, BodyTalk is now taught in 27 countries in eight different languages.
BodyTalk bypasses the patient’s conscious and emotional filters, reaching the subconscious, where the body reveals the nature and extent of any dis-ease and the priority in which it should be addressed. There is no limit to the health concerns that can be addressed in a BodyTalk session, including chronic pain, stress, headaches, allergies, depression, infections, influenza, sports injuries and arthritis, just to name a few. And unlike many other modalities, healing crises are a rarity, since the therapy is directed by the body.
Emotional traumas likewise become trapped within the subconscious. BodyTalk is the most gentle of all therapies, in that these traumas, once identified, literally melt away, without the need to relive them or even discuss them. It is not unusual to have a powerful release at the time of treatment, followed by a feeling of profound relief and a much greater sense of well-being.
Performed while the patient is fully clothed, the sessions are very comfortable and relaxing. Many patients comment that they feel as if they have had a massage, even though no massage techniques are utilized. Instead, the mind/body complex is synchronized and restored, as directed by the body. This occurs independent of the agendas of either the practitioner or the patient, vastly improving the patient’s overall health.
BodyTalk does not involve any diagnosis or invasive techniques, and can do no harm to the patient. This unique combination of safety and effectiveness truly makes BodyTalk the medicine of the future.
Dr. Michael Davis, B.A., J.D., CBAT, is president of Energy Medicine Foundation of Arizona. www.energymedicinefoundation.com or 602-614-1875. Jeff Goodman STMT, CBP, is president of BodyTalkArizona. 602-788-7654.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 25, Number 1, February/March 2006.
April 10, 2013
Allergies, Arthritis, Bodywork, Depression, Energy / energetic medicine, Flu, Headache, Stress