A new approach prevents skin cancer by Dr. William Nelson — Every year there are more new cases of skin cancer than breast, prostate, lung and colon cancers combined. One in five Americans will contract skin cancer. Ninety percent of skin cancers are caused by excessive sun exposure, yet fewer than 33 percent of adults, […]
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Can you eat what you put on your face?
June 20, 2015
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Can you eat what you put on your face? by Joanne Henning Tedesco — We are told to eat our fruits and vegetables, but you can also apply them to your skin. Cranberries are very good to naturally exfoliate dry, dead skin. Pumpkin is loaded with anti-aging antioxidants, vitamins C and A, and can help […]
Reversing your aging process is now a reality
June 5, 2015
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Reversing your aging process is now a reality by Linda Leibl — Another year, another wrinkle — no way! Now you can actually reverse your aging process. Today, we are combining all the new and exciting technology of the past decade with many of the results hard-working herbalists, biologists and organic chemists are presenting to […]
Fall pumpkins rejuvenate dry summer skin
October 16, 2014
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Fall pumpkins rejuvenate dry summer skin by Jeannie Marcelino — A symbol for fall, the pumpkin, has proven it is more than just a culinary ingredient. It is also a beauty ingredient for radiant skin as the weather gets cooler. Loaded with antioxidants, enzymes and vitamins C and K, the mighty pumpkin not only […]
Natural remedies for dry, cracked heels
October 8, 2014
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Natural remedies for dry, cracked heels by Paula Owens — The appearance of your skin, including the skin on your feet, is a reflection of what is going on internally with your health. Dry, cracked heels are a very common problem that can be embarrassing and unsightly. They are also are an indication that your […]
Skincare knowledge helps you and your family
May 20, 2014
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Skincare knowledge helps you and your family by Linda Leibl — Let’s talk for a moment about skincare, cosmetics, hair care and all those lotions and crèmes you have been putting on your skin for the last 10, 20, 30 years or more. Certainly these products are safe. You wouldn’t use anything that wasn’t, would […]
Radiant glow — five foods for your skin
April 7, 2014
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Radiant glow — five foods for your skin by Dr. Adrienne Stewart — Radiant skin starts from the inside out. The skin needs proper nutrition to repair damage caused by the sun and pollution to maintain its moisture and elasticity, and keep fine lines and wrinkles at bay. Some basics for radiant skin include eating […]
Beautiful eyes — repair tricks
February 3, 2014
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by Joanne Henning Tedesco — If the skin around your eyes looks tired and dry, and and you have puffiness and dark circles under your eyes just head to your kitchen where you can find help. Just try the following tips. Things will look brighter and even some of those wrinkles will disappear. Close your eyes and cover them […]
Anti-aging skin care — An important subject for women
February 1, 2014
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by Dr. Sima Aidun — It is well known that during pre-menopause and menopause, the skin starts showing signs of aging, which can be very traumatic for women, and with good reason. Aside from problems caused by sun damage, peri-menopausal and menopausal women experience thinner, looser, less elastic skin; reduced collagen production; cessation of oil […]
Beautiful breasts forever!
January 21, 2014
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by Julia Busch — While great for the heart, regular workouts can be rough on the breasts. Even walking can cause stress for fuller figures. Lacking muscle, breast tissue succumbs to gravity, but self-massage, undertaken daily, can lift, round and enhance your natural form. In addition to self-massage, cold-pressed vegetable oil, (e.g., sweet almond), laced […]
How many harmful chemicals are sitting on your bathroom shelves?
January 18, 2014
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by Linda Leibl — I am always amazed at the number of people I meet who are unaware that much of our food is toxic — full of antibiotics, hormones, artificial preservatives, pesticides, fillers, additives and dyes. While you might already be cognizant of this, what you may not know is that the same holds […]
Discover anti-aging secrets
October 20, 2013
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by Linda Leibl — Did you know that you actually have an entirely new body every seven years? That is right. Every seven years, your body recycles, renews and rejuvenates itself, as your cells, bones and blood remanufacture themselves. You can help your body slow its aging process by controlling what you consume and expose […]
Facials or micro-dermabrasion?
September 14, 2013
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by Linda L. Leibl — Today’s technology in skincare treatments is very exciting because there are so many anti-aging treatments from which to choose. The aesthetics industry, which began in this country in 1985, has grown so rapidly that the average person is generally aware of facial treatments, even if they haven’t personally had one. […]
August 14, 2015
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