The skinny on fat by Debbie Williams — Could your brain be keeping you fat? Fellow yo-yo dieters, my experience is: Yes! And I have an interesting story to tell, which involves how I lost weight and the product that helped so much. Firstly, the product I have fallen in love with is As Slim […]
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Fat-Me Not: Weight Loss Diet of the Future
May 1, 2015
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Fat-Me Not: Weight Loss Diet of the Future by Myo M. Nwe, M.D. and Sandeep Grewal, M.D. — Current weight loss techniques and products reflect the knowledge and research of the 1960s but, since then, the science of obesity and weight loss has progressed in leaps and bounds, although no one tells you about it. […]
The Slow Down Diet: Eating for Pleasure, Energy and Weight Loss
April 1, 2015
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The Slow Down Diet: Eating for Pleasure, Energy and Weight Loss by Marc David — The book presents a new way to understand our relationship with food, focusing on quality and the possibilities that pleasure in eating can transform and improve metabolism. Citing cutting-edge research on body biochemistry as well as success stories from his […]
Are you deficient in this important mineral?
February 17, 2014
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by Paula Owens — Magnesium is a vital mineral involved in more than 300 enzymatic reactions in the body. It is important for heart and brain health, hormone production, hypertension, stabilizing blood sugar and the digestion of protein, carbs and fats, as well as many other functions. Magnesium is found in all bodily tissues […]
Still Not Well?
January 16, 2014
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by Dr. Larry Wilson — Thousands of people consult a dozen or more doctors, naturopaths, chiropractors and other health practitioners, looking for answers to their health problems. Some consult brand-name medical centers, such as the Mayo Clinic, while others try every holistic therapy imaginable, from herbs and acupuncture to massage, bodywork and more. Many tests […]
GMOs and Agent Orange
March 21, 2013
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by Liz Anderson — How is it that huge multinational chemical, pharmaceutical and agricultural corporations of the world can continue to produce genetically modified (GM) crops, without the normally required testing, supervision and impact reports regarding their effects on our health and their potential threat to our food supply and environment? Our Congressmen and health […]
Fed up with fads? Weight loss tips that work
March 5, 2013
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by Adam Berkovits — We have all seen the ads. Lose 30 pounds in 30 days by drinking a weight-loss shake or lose inches off of your waist by using an ab device that looks more like a beach chair. But, do any of these methods actually live up to their claims? Can the answer […]
Eat, drink and stay healthy during the holidays
February 22, 2013
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by Paula Owens — The holiday season is upon us. Our schedules are filled with shopping, holiday parties, relatives, food and spirits, and obligations. Socializing during the holidays can be stressful and challenging for some people, especially if friends and family are not as health conscious as you. The abundance of treats and homemade goodies […]
Lyme disease
January 22, 2013
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by Dr. Warren M. Levin — If you have been traipsing from one doctor’s office to another with a potpourri of symptoms ranging from rashes to achy joints to arthritis, chronic flu, fatigue, sore throat and headaches, to name just a few, you might have Lyme disease. Lyme disease gets its name from the town […]
Treating infertility with Traditional Chinese Medicine and pelvic exercises
January 22, 2013
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by Dasha Trebichavsk — Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) employs a broad spectrum of treatment modalities including herbs, acupuncture and bodywork, as well as dietary and lifestyle adjustments. One of its least commonly advertised uses is in the field of infertility. Successful treatment of infertility dates back in China to the Sui Dynasty (589 CE). Chinese […]
New technology + old science = amazing results
January 12, 2013
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by Linda Leibl — I love America; I could not imagine living anywhere else. But in many areas, our culture has perfected the art of what “does not work.” Look at our diets, eating habits and lifestyles, compared to those of Europeans. If you have ever traveled to Europe, you likely observed the difference between […]
Supercharge your health with cellular energy
January 1, 2013
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by Dr. Howard Peiper — Cellular energy sounds modern, but it is as old as life itself and the very foundation of good health. When we have cell energy, we think better, feel better, move better, look better and perform better. That is because, at a very basic physical level, our cells are responsible for […]
Celiac disease: a hidden cause of osteoporosis
December 24, 2012
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by Marianne Crafts-Brandner — One night, at the age of 62, Doreen rolled over in bed and fractured a vertebra in her spine. Unable to move, she had to be rescued by an emergency medical team. She spent three weeks flat on her back in a hospital bed. Initial tests showed that she had severe […]
May 3, 2015
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